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Note: Keenspace at the moment is having some technical issues, hopefully, my site there will be back up soon!
Hi folks. Jia Liu speaking. I'm just here to announce that I'm officially closing down Planet Loser Comics as of today, but it's okay because frankly, the comic sucked anyway.

There were several reasons why I stopped creating Planet Loser such a long while ago. First off, there's the fact that I have a lot of work to do now, and I'm not the best person at organizing my time. But the mainly, it was because I was dissatisfied with Planet Loser, especially the first ones I created. There was no plot at all in the strip, and the characters were created on the fly without any backgrounds either, because, hey, they were characters out of my life. But in the end, it didn't work out too great for me. It left me unsatisfied and greatly unmotivated to continue.

But fear not! I have created a new webcomic entitled Weapon of Choice, so go there! I promise a plot this time! -Jia out.

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