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Perfect Paws Events


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Welcome to the Events page! This is where upcoming events and event results will be posted.

The reward for most all events will be points. After your dog wins so many points he will be given a title(and you might get a Ticket!) One very important rule, the hosts own dogs may not compete in the event he or she is hosting.

The titles are as follows:
100pts Ch. (Champion)
200pts GCh. (Grand Champion)
500pts ICh. (International Champion)
If any member has such a great dog that it wins more than 500 points, we will add additional titles.
Upcoming events:

In need of events hosts! At this point, up to 100 points will be allowed to be given away at an event, and $300 will be given to the host.

Event Results:

Events results will be posted here.

If you want to compete in events that require a level, your dog needs to be trained in the areas you want to compete in. To have your dog trained please contact the trainer

Here are the events your dog can be trained in(All uses contain levels 1-5):
Track Racing
Sled Racing
If you have any questions about these events please contact me.