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Band: Cable
Album: Sublingual
Label: Infectious (site down)
Year: 1999

I first came across Cable by way of their single 'Seventy'. Playing a fine line in off kilter post hardcore, like Fugazi with a bit of metal, I was hooked on the spot. Their first album, 1997's 'When Animals Attack' had a quite a few good songs, but dodgy production and a determination to be a bit too arty at times let them down. After a live EP (recorded in London's Brixton Prison), expectations were high for this album, and they delivered. 11 classic tracks, never too odd for its own good, this album saw them maturing to become a truly talented band. However, this was marred by the news that they would be forced to split due to a lawsuit from their former manager, Brian Hallin. The album therefore arrived as a swansong from one of Britan's truly talented bands. Reccomended listening comes in the form of opener 'Song 1', showcasing their fantastic dynamics and unusual melodies. Singles 'Honolulu' and 'Arthur Walker', with frankly naff lyrics ("My name is Arthur Walker, I am a lost explorer") showcase their mastery of the leftfield pop single. Carried along by the brilliant drumming of Richie Mills (now of Sunna) and the odd guitar of Darius Hinks, the album serves as a fitting response from the alternative to the overblown, self obsessed shite that was Britpop. Closer 'Sublingual' is a suitably sentimental tune to end this fantastic goodbye. Sublingual comes highly reccomended to anyone who wishes Fugazi would go back to songs.

Lasting Impression: A class album, and a fitting swansong.
Track to check: 'Song 1'
Web: Fan Site