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Band: Across The Border
Album: Short Songs, Long Faces EP
Label: Wolverine Records
Year: 2001

When i first looked at this, i saw Punk and Folk! With the horrible memory of those terrible Swingin Utters songs on the later Fat Comps, i trudged to my CD player. But this is actually quite good, bouncy, punky, loads of energy, and the fiddles and accordians just sound like horns, so its nothing too drastic a departure for all who are adverse to change! Opener 'Stop Drinkin' is pretty good, lyrics a bit on the 'Just learning English' side, but the real gem on this EP follows - 'Orwell Nation'. Really good song, excellent sing-a-long chorus, pretty good (communist - don't ask) lyrics. The rest are a bit loose, 'Smash it' really shows up the Chumbawumba influence, but is a good, punky track. Closer 'Share The Light' is a bit weak as a closer, personally i usually think the last song should be a cracker on all cds, but this is more of an addon, a bit folky and really the kind of song buried in the middle. Still, well worth checking out!

Lasting Impression: Punked up german folk, that's surprisingly good!
Track to check: 'Orwell Nation'
Web: Official Site