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Band: AFI
Album: The Art Of Drowning
Label: Nitro Records
Year: 2000

On those long lonely nights in college, doing a bit of surfing or programming, you're likely to find me with my headphones on listening to this album. Being that i come from teenage years abound with metal (Biohazard, Machine Head, Metalica), its only natural that i loved the last AFI album. However, this album was entirely unexpected. Some guy in Hit Parader called this Abbreviated Metal. AFI call it East Bay Hardcore. I call it petal. Or munk. Well, i dunno what i call it, but i would call it good. Starting with an intro (as metal albums do), and moving into standout track 'The Lost Souls', this album is punkified metal, like Sick Of It All's 'Call To Arms' only a little goth. But thats not to say it loses it after two tracks. 'The Nephilim' is VERY Sick Of It All, down to the group shouts. 'Ever And A Day' is ballady (in a metal ballad type way). 'Sacrifice Theory' has a nice bit of rockabilly bass on it, and on and on. With 13 tracks, an intro and a bonus, this really is one of the great releases of the year, and actually made me seriously consider going goth. Until i realised they look a bit silly. I will however be stenciling their bat type logo guy and the lines 'Look what you've done to me now, you've made me perfect' on my bag. Maybe.

Lasting Impression: Punk meets metal and has a chat about The Cure. Rather good.
Track to check: 'The Lost Souls'
Web: Official Site