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30/07/01 15:02
Hi There:
Apologies for the lameness. I'm hard at work on a few things at the minute, firstly the new site, design is prety much finished, now its down to the hard stuff, whith coding and all that... Secondly, i got a job a week or so ago as an editor of a new free irish magazine which has a pretty big print run.. It should be cool, if your irish, look out for it in record shops soon... Anyways, end of slack, new column by Rebel Grrrl is up now...
Reading was sold out, so me and me mates are off to Leeds festival Aug 25th-27th. If you're interested in travelling with us, or if your already going and want to hang out with a bunch of drunked irish, mail me...

20/07/01 15:02
Well Hello:
                          New Column.
New Column
Spuds column is up now, check it out!!!

19/07/01 17:04
Well Hello:
                          Apologies and more
Apologies and more
Sorry!!! Ok, so i had to go to our fair capital to do a few bits and bobs, i'll explain later when i have more time... Situation was, on tuesday, i went to an internet cafe to get the article of the day up, but Angelfire was down so i couldn't get in to get it up (maybe i need e-viagra. Ba boom, bish!). Yesterday was a bit of a waste of a day as i was on the piss with Mixtwitch the night beore, so i basicly had no money for an internet cafe. Today we're back on track, with an EXCELLENT article by Boz called "PUNK IN THE REAR VIEW MIRROR IS SHITTER THAN IT SEEMS ( CHAPTER 1 ) ", and tomorrow we have another EXCELLENT article by Spud Monkey.... Stay tooned!!

14/07/01 20:54
Well Hello:
                          Column and reviews Up....
Column and reviews Up....
The first submissions from Shindo are up now. Two great reviews and an excellent column, check them out........

14/07/01 20:54
Because i know you like me:
There's tons of visitors today, and its probably down to all the mp3s (if you're coming from MP3 Punk you know what i'm talking about). Well, you know what you want to see, so go to the forum and suggest under "Suggestions". Similarly, if you're in an unsigned band or record label and you want to get your MP3s up here, just do the same. I'll stick them all up later on, first i must go to the pub.... Oh and if you're downloading the MP3s, please take a quick second to vote at MP3 Punk, it opens a new window that you can close after a few seconds......

12/07/01 22:32
Again with the updates:
                          More Cool Music.
                          Assholes Everywhere.
More Cool Music
"50 FT Queenie" by PJ Harvey is on telly now, what a damn good song. I remember when my band played our firstgig the headline band played "Sheela Na Gig". Jesus that song was huge back then.... Pantera are on now. AAAAAAAAAAAAnyways, the reaason i started this thread was that they played "She Don't use Jelly" by the The Flaming Lips a minute ago and it reminded me of a format of that single that was on a giraffe shaped CD. What the fuck, how the hell did that work, CDs spin damn fast, surely that'd throw it off and it'd slice through the cd player and into someones head. Janey, they must've had a team of rocket scientists designing that one.....
Assholes Everywhere
Someone who shall remain nameless from a site that shall remain nameless contacted me offering to swap links. They contacted me on the wrong address and didn't follow the criteria for links (as in they gave me a big long description whereas i like nice short ones). So anyway, i asked them to check the page and put in a description as i say here. This person then replied that they didn't have the address of my site, so could i send it back. What a joker! I pointed out how it all looked (ie it looked as if they never visited my site int he first, they just saw my address somewhere....) and they got snotty with me. Jesus, whats the story. Just cos someone runs a relatively popular site they think they can fuck others around. Pah. Bah. Whumph. Humbug, stick yer link up yer arse.....
I set up a forum so get yer arses in there and start talking shite about the zine. Its named Ready Steady as the zine will be renamed to said soon, and i couldn't be arsed going through the whole rigamarole again. GO! Complain! Stir Shit!!!

12/07/01 20:04
Cos i'm having a good day:
                          Cool Music.
                          Personal Differences.
                          Site Stuff.

Cool Music
Watching MTV2 just now and a trio of excellent songs passed my eyes (almost none of which i caught the name to). Seafood from london with an excellent rockin out tune, cool, energetic and aggressive. Cool video aswell with the band basically rocking out. Second was Lowgold with a cool new-Radioheadesque song. Video was handdrawn men walking around and sited the music to a t. Third up was Yo La Tengo with "Sugarcube". This band is so damn good, i reccomend to all to check out their album "I can hear the heart beating as one". They play excellent lo-fi noisey music, with whispered love song lyrics. The video you'll know if you've seen it. They start off making a typically lo-fi band-standing-around video, and this fat record exec shouts at them as its not commercial enough. They then proceed to rock school with a bunch of people who look like Dee Snider teaching them to break guitars and giving them tattoos and whatnot. Get the CD, its too good to miss up.
Personal Differnces
I heard yesterday somewhere that one of the lads from The Ataris has left amicably die to personal and musical differences. A lot of bands use this excuese and it got me thinking. Personal differences, unless i'm mistaken means they didn't get along. Musical differences means the person wasn't into the band anymore. Now, explain to me how, if a band member turns around and says "Your all cunts and the bands shit, i'm off", the band can part on amicable terms.... Makes no sense to me, why don't they just say, "parted on shit terms cos the guys a turd". Now that makes sense (and its much more entertaining).
Site Stuff
Two new columnists, Boz from the excellent Nosebleed Zine and the equally excellent puk band "The Steam Pig", and Jamie Grimes of "Sir Killalot" who also writes for Culchikore and his own Traumaboy zine. Jamie won't be contributing until sugust, as he's off to england for a while, but we can look forward to his ramblings upon his return.

12/07/01 00:28
Does anone read this:
                          Site Stuff.

Site Stuff
Added a big old bunch of MP3s from Victory records. Plus, Fathead sent in his first review, of Soul Coughing's El Oso. Plus i found a new columnist, a good bloke called Spud Monkey. My, we're a bunch of pseudonomed bastards around here aren't we....

01:55 11/07/01
My aren't we busy today:
                          What the fuck.....
                          I'm in demand. Who would've thunk it.
                          Site Stuff.
What The Fuck.....
Did i miss a meeting or something? I was watching MTV2 (well, it was on in the background), and they played Cradle Of Filth and followed it with Pearl Jam's "Alive". Eh? Where's the connection? What is this, "The Random Rock Hour"? "False Sense Of Security Music"? Weird as hell. Weirder still was when we first got Sky Digital, they used to play Cradle Of Filth at about four in the evening. Jesus, that used to scare the bejaysus out of me when i was hungover. Sit down with a nice bowl of Cornflakes and flick on a bit of music.. *Bam* some bunch of idiots dressed as the knights of the S&M table singing like they were having shards of broken glass up their ass and sitting in a bath full of tobasco sauce while trying to sing the high part in "Loving you is easy cos your beautiful". Which is a great song. But this... I dunno, i have a strange affinity to it, i even privately looked forward to seeing them live with Pantera and Slayer in Dublin in September (i know, but jesus, pantera live, even if i haven't bought a metal album in about three years, you don't pass up on that...). Thats the thing about MTV2 for me, every time a song comes on i think, "Whoa there, what the fucks that doing on mainstream TV"? Like last night, there was a Less Than Jake live gig for half an hour at 8 in the evening. To think you can choose between that, friends or Crimeline, well, its just weird. Thing is though, it was a bit crap. The sound was shitty and they didn't play Liqour Store OR Johnny Quest thinks We're sell outs... Ah well. Rant over. Larry Sanders is on. Blood pressure low now.

I'm in demand. Who would've thunk it.
Someone actually thought enough of this site's design to ask me to do a site for them. What? Jesus, maybe some day i'll actually get paid for this shit. Gonna be a busy weekend, i've the CD Rom to do, the Ready Steady Jedi design to start, and a site for a self confessed Rock band from dublin called "Otranome" to do. Shit, busy busy busy. All this and cows to milk too.

Site Stuff.
Once again, we have someone new. An excellent reviewer/columnist from the US (i think) called Fathead. Yep, he got in there first and called himself fathead so you'll have to think of some real dingers to insult the bastard about his opinions (Referring to him as a member of New Found Glory or Blink 182 should work).
I've sent out a few invitations to writers i like or that have been reccomended to me and asked them to write for us on a biweekly basis. If you are interested, send me a sample.
Also on the site front, wave goodbye to the Nokia Ringtones, cos they won't be making it to the new site. Yeah, i kinda saw sense and decided to rid the site of them. In fairness, i kinda thought of it when i was after about three days of no sleep and haven't really touched it since. That said, i still left it there, so.... My bad, soon to be no more.....

Yeah, so i need a new banner for the site, for when it becomes Ready Steady Jedi, so if you can think of anything, send it in. Winner gets a buch of Cds. I'm gonna do my best to put together a decent package if CDs, so it will be worth your while, plus you get a credit... Dimensions are the usual, no flash and have fun kids!!

19:56 08/07/01
Weekend on the piss results in:
                          New Reviewer. 
                          Changearound On The Way.
                          Print Zine on the way.

New Reviewer.
Well, he has confirmed. While browsing recently, i came across a review of the "Give 'Em The Boot" compilation by Shindo (AKA Adam White). I took a look throught the rest of his reviews and was impressed enough to ask him to write for pacer. After a few days negociations, he has been confirmed as a new reviewer/columnist. He promises to have reviews and columns on the way some time this week. Shindo, WE WELCOME YOU!

Changearound On The Way.
And i mean bigtime. I've decided to get a dot com for the site, change the name, and change the format/layout.The new name will be Ready Steady Jedi, after a line in the Fairuza song "When I Was A Jedi". The new address will (hopefully) be, that is if one of you doesn't nick it in the meantime. The new design is as yet undetermined, but there will be a competition to design a banner in return for a few CDs, so if your design minded, gimmie a shout. The format will be changing. I'm aiming at having regular columnists in such a way that there will be a set columnist for each day of the forghtnight, in that every second tuesday, you'll have a column by *** etc. Ah, the things you think of when your hungover!

Print Zine on the way.
I've finally got around to doing the inkie. Should be out hopefully soon, under the name Ready Steady Jedi. Only a few things left to do, so it should be just a few weeks...... Just have to get the booklet thingy finished off and then burning and printing can get under way!! Hey hey, at fucking last eh?

18:09 04/07/01
Cos i slept too much last night:
                          New Reviewer(s). 
                          New Mp3 Policy......
                          Pacer Goes To Reading.

New Reviewer(s).
Found me a new reviewer methinks. Don't want to say too much now, but i should know by tomorrow night or so, which means you'll know on sunday, cos i'm off on the piss for the weekend and won't be anywhere near the computer!! Said reviewer is also going to do some articles and stuff, so look forward to next week, hen it should (hopefully) kick in.

New MP3 Policy.
The way that i used to pick MP3s for the mp3 page was i'd download every MP3 i saw and put up the good ones. However, that was when i was at college, with their bad ass connection. however, i'm home at the minute, back on a dial-up, so i'm just gonna put up pretty much every mp3 i see from now on. That does mean more shite, but it also means more mp3s, which means more hits, which means more reviewers, which means more content, so, it's all good! I've about an hour before the cows come home, so i'll pop around to a few labels and rip off their fruits!!

Pacer Goes To Reading.
Got an email today from an irish lass who's also off to reading. That now makes us a party of five, along with a possible huge group of brits if a certain british lass i met in france can make it. If your going, from either ireland or england, drop me a line and we can all hook up and have a fuck off good time, a drinkin and a punkin for a weekend of wasterness!!!

18:09 04/07/01
Live, From Cork:
                          I'm BAAAKKKK. 
                          Who's Off to Reading?

Howerya. Well, me and france didn't agree. No jobs plus the bastard heat and millions of moskitos means i'm ome again... Ah well, had a great time, met loads of cool people, drank shedloads, didn't get any tan.... Mad time though.........

Who's Off to Reading?.
Cos i am. I just saw the line up a few days ago and it was one of the more contributing factors in my return. Shit, what a line up. Trail of dead, Amen, Rocket From The Crypt, Capdown, Good Riddance, Travis, Green Day, Fun Lovin Crims, Mogwai, Ash, Eminem, Marilyn Manson, Queens Of The Stone Age, Mouldy Peaches, Arab Strap..... The list goes on.... So, if your going, drop me line and we can hook up......