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          30/12/00: The new Propagandhi album is on Napster. Is this a good or bad thing I ask myself. Good for me, I get to hear it. No one can deny though it is bad for Propagandhi, lots will download it and forget to buy it when it comes out (Feb or so). Kinda begs the old question again - is Napster good or bad. Sure, it lets you rediscover songs you haven't heard in ages, which in turn sends you out buying the album and realising the reason you forgot about them is because it was the one good song on a shitty album. But if the album's not out already, you just end up forgetting. Plus I have a cd burner, so the only reason I buy real CDs anymore is if they're exceptionally good (Ataris, Bigwig). If Prop dissapoint on this one, well, kiss my wallet. Ah well, such is Napster's brilliance I suppose, saves me money. Splat.
         I'm thinking an article on starting a record label would be good. Anyone with a label out there, send me your story pleez. How? Mail Me. Splat.
          And on the subject of me reviewing old stuff, this is a zine for poor bastards like me who live in boring ass countries like Ireland, i came across lifetime by chance, through an online fanzine review, maybe someone else will hear of them here first. I dunno. Splat.
          29/12/00: Today I decided to spruce up the front page with this little updater guy. I also wrote a huge article (by my standards) about how I think Jerry Springer (and all the other chat shows) are dragging culture down. Nothing groundbreaking, just my two cents. Its called 'Springer = Satan'. Please take a look.
          I'm also thinking about adding a free CDr to the print version of the zine (out February). I think it'd be a good way for people to hear new bands. Hopefully it won't make the zine too expensive. If you have any views on it, Mail Me.