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Sharing Our Stories

I try so hard to keep it inside so no one can hear...hush hush... keep it down, now voices carry...
~Til Tuesday, "Voices Carry"

Silent No More

The following is true testimony from who have found the courage and strength to confront their situations. God has truly blessed these women and we applaud their courage.

Tina~Ok, I want to start this by saying that PRAISE GOD, I have been completely delivered and set free but I feel I need to post my testamony. When I was about 9 my fathers uncle began molesting me. He would come to visit and I had an extra bed in my room that he would sleep in. At night when he could come to bed, he would touch me and fondle me. I was very uncomfortable but I didn't know this was wrong. Then at a family reuinion, one of my older cousins raped me. Again, I did not know that what was happening was wrong so I did not fight him, but it was rape all the same. He took my virginity at such a precious age. The molestation by my uncle continued for several years until I began to fight him off and he stopped. Then when I was 15, I was mowing lawn for another one of my fathers uncles. I went inside to get a drink and take a breather. He offered me a joint, and I was young and stupid, so I smoked it. I later found out that it must have been laced with something because I couldn't move. He then raped me. I remember laying there looking at my body while he was raping me thinking how can I stop this, but being completely unable to move. I just kept asking him not to do it. He started by touching and kissing me all over and finally he raped me. I was so ashamed and was sure it was my fault because I had accepted the joint so I never told anyone. Because of all of these things, I began to aquaite "love" and sex together. I met this girl who I followed blindly. She would take me out and get me drunk (yes we were still in high school) and then she would introduce me to her male friends. Well, needless to say, I became known as a slut. I was very loose. Then one day, I met JESUS. I began walking with HIM closely, but still had not let go of all the past feelings and still felt that sexual need. I ended up getting hurt in the church and I ran from GOD. Right into the arms of an alcoholic and drug addict who was physically and emotionally abusive. He hit me on one occasion before we were married and I was foolish enough to still marry him. After 3 long and miserable years, I left him. I could feel GOD calling me and eventually rededicated my life to HIM. Aprox 3 years after I left my first husband, I knew the only way to heal was to get it out and to forgive him. I wrote him a letter telling him i forgave him for the things he did to me and asked for forgivness from him for my mistakes because I too had made mistakes just not the kind he thought I made. Shortly after that, I met my second husband. He claimed to be a christian but I know have my doubts. We have a beautiful daughter who is the pride of my life.
Brandy~This is my testimony in full! This has been hard for me to tell anyone, only a few people know what I am about to reveal to you, and I did not tell them even half as much as what will be said here! I was six years old when I was molested by my 16 year old cousin. I had no idea what was going on nor did I realize what he was doing was wrong in every sense of the word!Well,Then i was also molested by my friend's brother when I was in third grade, however I was able to stop him. My parents knew about both incidences, but they never blamed me at all, so i was able to heal a lot faster than usual, Praise God!Well as i was growing up i came to know more about sex than others my age, it really scared my parents because they probably felt it was due to what happened to me. Well, I didn't become sexually active until 15, with a guy I went out with for over a year. We broke up and a while after that my grandmother had died so I was pretty distraught. Well I started seeing this guy in my Junior year of h.s. and he really sweet talked me to get me to sleep with him, i realized that after the fact of course! Anyways I became pregnant, and well i guess he sensed it so he dropped me like a hot coal!Well i was left to fend for myself and make the toughest desicion i ever made in my life! I decided to abort the pregnancy, because if I kept the baby i would no longer be welcome in my parents house! They weren't religious really, they just didn't want to have to support it.Well, I went through with it and I was feeling terrible! You see, before i had it, the rumors were going around well, it was half truth and half rumor. half truth cuz i was pregnant, and the rumor was that it was someone else's and not the one i professed that it really was. it was terrible I lost a majority of my friends because they thought I was a slut, i had a reputation in school anyways because of another rumor that circled around. Well, I was okay, and gained alot of new friends the next year, I was happy and content, and i dated a couple of guys but i never allowed anything to happen between us!Well, I get to college and suddenly i am sexually active again. i don't know how it happened but satan really had a stronghold on me! I did not do it casually, i had true feelings for the guys I slept with, I just found out that half of them never felt the same way for me, i was just a play toy! And because I was well-endowed made it even better for them! I tried to become involved in a Christian program at one of the campus ministries and even lived there because I really thought it would help me. But because I wasn't truly saved, i did not feel that strong connection and started hanging out with people that did drugs, i never did any myself, i knew better! i just did not know how to say no to sex. I really think it stemmed from my experience from being sexually molested. i was afraid to say no, for fear of getting raped, so i just let it happen. protection was used of course!!!I even ended up having sex at the campus ministry in my dorm room becuase it wasn't well- monitored at that place. i felt really bad about that, and never let that happen again! i began to loathe that place and school, especially after i met who is now my husband. We met online in march 98 and He isn't saved yet, but we have been married for a year now. i was saved on December 8th 2000, and My good friend who I met online, ministered to me online and I realized i wasn't really saved, so i said the Sinner's prayer with Him adn let go of all my guilt and shame that I carried around for the longest time! I really felt that God would never forgive me for taking the life of my unborn child, I didn't feel worthy.But now i know I am forgiven and I know Christ as my savior! it's wonderful!Thanks for allowing me to share this with you!God Bless! In Christ, Brandy

Mary~Hello everyone my name is Mary I am going through a divorce because my husband was abusive mentally as well as physically I put up with the abuse for 11 years because everyone told me it would get better but August the 12th was when I had enough.

If you have a story of courage that you would like to share just send an email to:Testimony Submissions