Special resources for Maya studies: ------------------------------------------------------------- PARI Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute 1100 Sacramento St. San Francisco, CA 94108 USA CD ROM set for Macintosh: Their price (before distributor takes over): 500$ includes: 10 CD ROM discs of rubbings of 89 sites. Monograph 6 (rubbings of Maya sculpture, 25$ if bought separatly, by Robertson) Iconographic Database (Mac version) Iconographic Database Manual. New version for Windows in works. Yearly Membership: Participating member 50$ (10% of Pari publications) Supporitng member 100$ (20% off everything Pari sells) --------------------------------------------------------- U MUT MAYA P.O. Box 4686 Arcata, CA 95521 USA (707) 822-1515 1993 HSU Maya Notebook, 226p. Introduction to Maya hieroglyphic writing, with exercises. $30 U Mut Maya II, 1988, 226p, 12 fold-outs, $25 U Mut Maya III, 1989, 196p, 10 fold-outs, $28 U Mut Maya IV, 1990, '91, 300+p, $30 Forthcoming: U.Mut Maya V, 1992, '93, 270+p, fold-outs, color plates $32 includes postage in US, foreign add $2 --------------------------------------------------------- Kerr Associates Studio 14 West 17th Street New York, NY 10011 USA email: mayavase@aol.com (212) 741-1731 Volume 4: 183 pages, 125 rollouts, 15 full color pages The Maya Vase Book, Vol. 1, 2, 3, 4: 45$ each The whole set (all 4): 160$ for within NY add 3.71$ tax per book Shipping: US: 1 book: 5$; 2: 6.50; 3: 8$; 4: 9.50 outside US: 1 book: 7.50$; 2: 9.50; 3: 11.50; 4: 13.00 Checks or money order on a US Bank payable to: Kerr Associates --------------------------------------------------------- Ecological Linguistics P.O. Box 15156 Washington, D.C., 20003 USA email: ECOLING@aol.com When ordering, shipping charges are to be entered for each book. US Post shipping/handling charges shown are for the USA, Canada and Mexico. Overseas shipping is extra (please see at the end of this message). Please use a US ship-to address if possible. Please mark all items ordered (book prices and shipping prices). Note quantities if more than one each. __ $15 each Spanish-Yucatec-Spanish dictionary (no shipping charge within US) Diccionario Basico Espanol-Maya-Espanol, by Juan R. Bastarrachea, Emilio Yah, Pech, Fidencio Briceno Chel, 134 pages (publ. Maldonado) Mesoamerican Codices (order from Ecological Linguistics): Color Screenfold Facsimiles by Akademische Druck und Verlagsanstalt, Graz, Austria. Commentaries in Spanish, published by Fondo de Cultura Economica (Mexico). The commentaries with the Graz facsimiles are very detailed, including Maarten Jansen as co-author, in the range of 280-380 pages each, with keying to particular figures on particular pages of the originals. The facsimiles are manufactured in Graz, just as their earlier publications, but with minor improvements in some cases, such as page numbering and white margins. Some of them contain in addition to the Graz facsimile also a black-and-white line drawing facsimile in small format for ease of use. The Azoyu and Badianus are publications of Fondo de Cultura Economica alone. Quantity; Shipping charge The Dresden Codex is not currently available, it is being reprinted. Instead of a check or order, please send a letter indicating your interest. __ $20 each -- Dresden Codex screenfold facsimile (Graz/FCE) __ $40 each $4 Dresden Codex commentary (translation of Thompson's, FCE) __ $124 each $6 Codex Nuttall screenfold & commentaryGraz/FCE __ $124 each $6 Codex Vindobonensis screenfold & commentary Graz/FCE __ $124 each $6 Codex Borgia screenfold & commentary Graz/FCE __ $104 each $6 Codex Vaticanus B screenfold & commentary Graz/FCE __ $144 each $6 Codex Borbonicus screenfold & commentary Graz/FCE __ $80 each $4 Codex Azoyu facsimile with commentary FCE __ $80 each $4 Codex Badiano facsimile with commentary, 2 volumes FCE __ $36 each $4 Painting the Maya Universe (paperback) Duke __ $69 each $4 Painting the Maya Universe (hardback) Duke The Fondo de Cultura Economica series is expected during the next two years to include the following codices. Those currently available were priced above. Mixtec: Nuttall, Vindobonensis, Egerton and Becker II Borgia Group: Borgia, Cospi, Fejervary-Mayer, Laud Others:Vaticanus B, Vaticanus A, Borbonicus, Ixtlilxochitl Moctezuma (Matricula de Tributos), Magliabechiano (Ecological Linguistics will be publishing an English commentary on Mayan codices later in 1994.) __ $39 each - The Writing System of La Mojarra Spiralbound 2 vols. __ $20 each - The Writing System of La Mojarra Looseleaf discounted This discounted looseleaf edition is available only to those with special memberships, please indicate if you fit one of these three groups: ____(1) I am a member of the Pre-Columbian Society of D.C. ____(2) I am a member both of the Pre-Columbian Society at the University Museum and also of the University Museum (Philadelphia) ____(3) I have attended three or more avanced full-week workshops on Mayan hieroglyphs at Austin, Texas. __ $5 - Illustrated catalog of La Mojarra, Tuxtla, Olmec, and Mayan hieroglyphs available as typeable fonts for Macintosh computers (a few available also for PC's running Windows) (Prices for various font sets vary) __ $18 each $2 The Human Nature of Birds Please make check payable to Ecological Linguistics, P.O. Box 15156, Washington, D.C., 20003. Remember to include your full name and shipping address. Checks, to Ecological Linguistics for books (above) or to Dover Publications Inc. or to other organizations for memberships (below), must be in US Dollars and drawn on a US bank (to avoid 30% deductions by the banks for check processing). Shipping costs for Western Europe: The first price given is for Air Book, the second is for surface The books are insured if their value is greater than $50. The Writing System of La Mojarra $10 Air, $3 Boat Painting the Maya Universe (Exhibition Catalog) $25 Air, $5 Boat Yucatec Dicationary (publ. Maldonado) $8 Air Dresden Facsimile only: $8 Air Other than the Dresden, Azoyu, and Badianus Codices: One FCE/Graz Codex $55 Air, $30 Boat Two FCE/Graz Codices $75 Air, $40 Boat Three FCE/Graz Codices $95 Air, $50 Boat Codex Azoyu, Air Book shipping $25 Codex Badiano, Air Book shipping $20 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mesoamerican Codices from Dover Publications, Inc. Order these two books direct from: Dover Publications, Inc. 31 E. Second St. Mineola, N.Y. 11501 (***not*** from Ecological Linguistics) Send checks for total purchase including ISBN #s. Include a single shipping charge whether one or a few books. within the USA: $3 for USPost / $4.50 for UPS. Or call Dover Press Express Orders at 1-800-223-3130 within the USA. Color reproductions. These are standard book formats, not screenfolds. They are "restorations," easier to read than facsimiles. Both are ***highly*** recommended. Codex Nuttall: ISBN # 0-486-23168-2 $12.95 Codex Borgia: ISBN # 0-486-27569-8 $14.95 ---------------------------------------------------------------- To join the Pre-Columbian Society of D.C., please send a check for one of the following amounts to Donald Fairbairn PCS Treasurer 13006 Birdale Lane Darnestown, Maryland, 20878 USA You will receive a membership card and further information, in reply. __ $10 Full membership March through August 1994 USA, Canada, Mexico __ $14 Full membership March through August 1994 other countries __ $30 Full membership September 1994 through August 1995 USA, Canada, Mexico __ $38 Full membership September 1994 through August 1995 other countries For people living more than 100 miles from Washington, D.C., or who cannot attend society meetings for other reasons, there is a newsletter-only membership category: __ $ 6 Newsletter only, March through August 1994 USA, Canada, Mexico __ $ 10 Newsletter only, March through August 1994 other countries ------------------------------------------------------------------ To join the Pre-Columbian Society at the University Museum Philadelphia: Please make out a check to the Pre-Columbian Society at the University Museum, $25 (single) or $42 (family). Send to Brian D. Ampolsk 1605 Brookhaven Rd. Wynnewood, PA 19096-2605 (610)658-0521 bampolsk@netaxs.com To join the University Museum, please make out a check to the University Museum, $40 (individual) or $45 (household). Send to University Museum 33rd and Spruce Streets Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA ---------------------------------------------------------------- Research Reports on Ancient Maya Writing c/o the Center for Maya Research, P.O. Box 65760, Washington, D.C., 20035-5760. This one contains many of the classic published articles in the field, ask for a listing of available back issues, issued irregularly, they are well worth it. Get the ResReport1.gif and ResReport2.gif files for a listing of currently available issues ---------------------------------------------------------------- Texas Workshop related documentation Copan Notes (epigraphy reports of the Copan project) Full Set (1-112) $53.55 Texas Notes on Mayan Hieroglyphic Writing Full Set (1-68) $29.82 Available from kinko's-the copy center 2901-C Medical Arts Street Austin, Texas 78705 Phone (512) 476-3242 Fax: (512) 476-2371 They also have other files available, see separate list (KINKO.TXT) Texas workshop notebooks: Inquire with Peter Keeler at the Maya Hotline USA (512) 471-MAYA or: Peter Keeler The Mayan Hieroglyphic Workshops P.O. Box 5645 Austin, Texas, 78763 USA See separate files WORKSHOP.TXT for listings and WORKSHOPFORM for order form Jenn's Copy & Binding: see separate file. --------------------------------------------------------------- MAYA HIEROGLYPHIC WORKSHOP TRANSCRIPTS The Proceedings of the Maya Hieroglyphic Weekend, Oct. 24-25 '87 Cleveland, Schele, 106p, 25$; Yaxchilan and Palenque The Proceedings of the Maya Hieroglyphic Weekend, Nov. 5-6 '88 Cleveland, Schele, 151p, 30$; Yaxchilan and Piedras Negras The Proceedings of the Maya Hieroglyphic Workshop, Mar. 11-12 '89 Austin, Schele, 384p, 45$; Copan The Proceedings of the Maya Hieroglyphic Workshop, Mar. 10-11 '90 Austin, Schele, 267p, 35$; Tikal The Proceedings of the Maya Hieroglyphic Weekend, Oct. 27-28 '90 Cleveland, Mathews, 267p, 35$; Palenque and Dos Pilas The Proceedings of the Maya Hieroglyphic Workshop, Mar. 9-10 '91 Austin, Schele, 254p, 40$; Yaxchilan and Piedras Negras The Proceedings of the Maya Hieroglyphic Weekend, Oct. 26-27 '91 Cleveland, Mathews, 191p, 35$; Palenque The Proceedings of the Maya Hieroglyphic Workshop, Mar. 14-15 '92 Austin, Schele, 243p, 42$; The creation story of the Maya The Proceedings of the Maya Hieroglyphic Weekend, Oct. 31-Nov.1 '92 Cleveland, Mathews, 147p, 35$; Piedras Negras The Proceedings of the Maya Hieroglyphic Workshop, Mar. 13-14 '93 Austin, Schele, 190p, 37.50$; Dynastic History of Palenque The Proceedings of the Maya Hieroglyphic Workshop, Mar. 12-13 '94 Austin, Schele/Grube, 202p, 37.50$; Venus-Tlaloc Warfare Please make check (drawn to US Bank) payable to Phil Wanyerka 6607 Orchard Ave. Parma, Ohio 44129 USA (216) 886-0924 Postage and Handling USA $3.50; outside USA $6.50 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Mexicon, 6 times a year, English, Spanish, German Subscriber Service: Seminar fuer Voelkerkunde Roemerstrasse 164 D-5300 Bonn 1 Germany. ------------------------------------------------------------ Ancient Mesoamerica. Subscription 29 UK pounds per year (two issues). Subscription Office: Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building Shaftesbury Road Cambridge CB2 2RU England USA: Cambridge University Press 40 W. 20th St. New York, N.Y. 10011 USA -------------------------------------------------------------- Program: Mayan Calendrics, V3.3 Runs under: MS-DOS What it does: Allows conversion among tzolkin-haab, long count, Gregorian and Julian dates and astronomical Julian day numbers. Permits specification of correlation number, year- bearer system and first day of the month (0 or 1). Author: Peter Meyer Price: $68.00 including shipping Publisher: Dolphin Software 4815 W. Braker Ln. #502 Austin, TX 78759 Phone: (512) 479-9208 --------------------------------------------------------------- The Tulane Latin American Library has full-color posters of the Palenque sarcophagus cover, available for sale by mail. The posters are enlargements of a photograph taken by Merle Greene Robertson and Lee Hocker. They are roughly 2' x 4' in size, and are each signed by Merle Greene Robertson. The posters are available by mail for $20 each. Make checks payable to Latin American Library, and send to: Latin American Library Tulane University New Orleans, LA 70118 Send e-mail inquiries to: Paul Bary Reference Librarian pbary@mailhost.tcs.tulane.edu ________________________________________________________________ There are also newsletters of various Mayan-related groups which have additional news on exhibitions, discoveries, etc.: The Smoking Mirror, c/o editor Sharon Bowen, 4 Stuart Mills Place, Baltimore, Md., 21228. Yearly subscriptions $15 USA, Mexico, Canada; $25 overseas. Checks payable to Treasurer, Pre-Columbian Society of Washington, D.C. Institute of Maya Studies Newsletter, 3280 South Miami Ave., Miami, Florida, 33129 __________________________________________________________________