An Ancient 'Lost City' is Uncovered in Mexico. by John Noble Wilford NY Times, Friday Feb. 4, '94 In a lush river delta on Mexico's Gulf Coast, archeologists have found temple mounds, ball courts and other traces of a sprawling pre-Columbian seaport city that flurished more than 1,500 years ago and may have been a vital center of ancient culture and coastal commerce. A preliminary survey of the site, about 60 miles northwest of the modern city of Veracruz, has revealed the ruins of more than 100 earth-and-stone pyramids and other structures, some reaching heights of 130 feet, that had long remained largely hidden under dense vegetation. The core city and its suburbs extended over 40 square miles and were occupied by thousands of people, possibly more than 20,000Ñ large for that time and region. No one is prepared to say who these people were. The city, which existed between A.D. 100 and 600, rose after the disappearance of the Olmec civilization, once strong along the Gulf Coast, and centuries before the Aztecs of central Mexico. It was contemporary with the Classic period of the Maya, but they lived several hundred miles to the southeast. It probably had strong cultural and trade ties with Teotihuacan, the powerful urban center near present-day Mexico City. In any event, the ancient city, called El Pital for a nearby village, is thought by its discoverer to be one of the most important archeological discoveries in the Veracruz region in more than 200 years. City Is Called 'Pivotal' The discovery was announced yesterday in Mexico City and Washington and was described in the current issue of National Geographic Research and Exploration, a quarterly journal of the National Geographic Society. The society and the Selz Foundation of New York City helped finance the research by S. Jeffrey K. Wilkerson, an independent archeologist who made the discovery. In the journal article, Mr. Wilkerson said that El Pital 'may well alter our concept of Mesoamerican culture history,' calling the city 'pivotal in both time and space to the emergence of Classic civilization,' the period of urban growth and cultural splendor that ran from A.D. 250 to 900 for many cultures in Mexico and Central America. Mr. Wilkerson is an American who has lived in Veracruz for more than 20 years and conducts archeological research through his own Institute for Cultural Ecology of the Tropics. He is also associated with the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History. His explorations at El Pital were authorized by the National Institute of Anthropology and History in Mexico City. Exciting for Archeologists 'It's a very interesting site,' said George Stuart, director of archeological projects at the geographic society. 'It's important and needs to be investigated.' Like other archeologists, however, Mr. Stuart cautioned that no systematic excavations have been conducted and until they are, nothing definitive can be said about the city's role in pre-Columbian culture. But the prospect of finding elaborate ruins, possibly of a culture unknown until now, is exciting for archeologists specializing in pre-Columbian exploration. The coastal regions north of Veracruz have been largely. neglected because reconnaissance and excavations are difficult in the area's dense jungle and because research has long seemed to be more rewarding in the central highlands around Mexico City and in the Maya country to the south. The El Pital site lies nine miles inland from the Gulf of Mexico, upstream on the Nautla River at the head of navigation. Mr. Wilkerson noted that in El Pital, unlike most Veracruz urban centers of that period, which were in defensible valleys and ridges, security 'is likely to have rested on its direct governance of a broad region, far greater centralization than its immediate neighbors and alliances of lineage or commerce that place it at the hub of a regionally valuable network.' One of the best known ancient cities in Veracruz was Matacapan, which sprang up in the south around A.D. 400. Archeologists have surmised that this city thrived by long-distance trade and was dominated by possibly colonial ties to Teotihuacan. Complicated Role Indicated In his survey of El Pital, Mr. Wilkerson said he found many Teotihuacan style ceramics. But local styles, particularly in figurines and vessels, were also strong, he said, indicating that El Pital 'is likely to have had a far more complicated role than that of a trade way station or Teotihuacan outpost.' Mr. Wilkerson noted that some murals in Teotihuacan depict a riverside scene of raised agricultural fields, a farming practice at El Pital, and dense tropical flora. Since nothing like that could be found in the semi-arid plain of Teotihuacan, he said, this could be an image of El Pital 'as a sort of Eden,' reflecting its apparent role as a major center for food production. El Pital is significant, Mr. Wilkerson said, 'because it appears to be the principal end point of an ancient cultural corridor that linked the north-central Gulf Coast with the cities of central Mexico.' One research goal will be to determine the city's importance as a seaport and the extent of its coastal reach in trade. Some scholars have even suggested that corn and some cultural practices traveled from central Mexico to the Mississippi River valley about this time, either by overland or sea trade. Dr. Norman Hammond, a Boston University archeologist who specializes in Mesoamerican studies, said it was impossible to conclude from present knowledge whether Mexico was the direct source of these innovations among the Indians of the Mississippi Valley. The newly discovered site resembles in at least one respect another ancient city in the region, El Tajin, found some 40 miles away in 1785. A prominent feature in both were courts used in a ritual ball game that often involved sacrificial decapitation of some players. Fragments of stone depicting aspects of the games, including figurines representing perhaps sacrificed ballplayers, were found at the site. For centuries the El Pital site was obscured by rain forest. The land was opened to agriculture in the l930's and is now heavily planted in bananas and oranges. People who lived there and worked the fruit plantations took the mounds for granted, assuming they were natural hills. 'This reminds us,' Mr. Wilkers said, 'that the time has come in the largely deforested tropics to carefully search for the 'lost cities' we have overlooked.' Figure legend for map: Ruins at El Pital appear to be those of a major ancient port. Figure legend for site picture: A 'lost city,' 1,500 years old, has been discovered at El Pital in Mexico. Farmers there believed the temple mounds were natural hills.