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Angst Filled Days

Why do you put me through all this shit?
All I want you to do is tell me and trust me I can handle the fucking truth!
Stop playing with my heart damn it!
I’ve already gone through too much pain! My god, it’s only been 2 days since you said you’ll think.
Won’t time ever just fade away?!
Won’t these feelings and thoughts just leave?!
This sitch fucking sucks! I don’t even care anymore!
You fuck with me, I fuck with you!
What the hell is wrong with me anyway?!
Why won’t you get out of my mind?
Why won’t you tell me when?
Why won’t you say a fuckin word?!? I hate you as much as I love you.
The world is out to screw me.
This empty feeling never went away.
Don’t make me a depresso chik again!
Is this thing almost done?
(If not, when will it?)
Give me a time! Go fuck yourself!
I hate you!
I love you!
[fade out]