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Kendra's Poems


The animals come,
so long evolved,
then in a few short minutes
they so go.
They are gone forever,
because of the rainforest fires.
They distroy the world,
and so the animals go.
They are so gone
because of humans greed.
Two years the land is good,
then the land is a desert waste.
The animals are gone.
The land is gone.
The plants are gone.
Burnt to death,
by the greed of humans.
They use it for farmland.
They say to help people,
but who are they really helping
if the oxygen and possible cures are gone.
Never to be found,
the cures are lost,
cause of the people's ingorance.

Love's Truth and Lies

You think you love,
then you fine out it was a crush.
You think they like you...
it was your best friend.
You show your love
and you get some in return,
then a simple lie breaks it.
Contless hours spent
thinking of your special person.
They don't exist.
People chose to love...
always ends in heartbreak.
So, why do we still keep dreaming?


People think that we look alike.
I think "yeah right!"
I never want to be her.
She makes me mad you see
She drives me crazy.
So, I want to be lazy.
I hate her
it seems to me,
I'm always mad at her.
Why can't she understand?
She embarasses me
all the time.
Why can't she
be a cooler mom?
Why is she always mad at me?
I try to please
It never works, to me it seems.
She makes me so depressed.
This I can never confess.
She never understands
Why must this be?
She thinks
that she must solve all problems.
This is not so.
All I want to do
is talk to someone who
will listen.
To listen
and do
nothing else
unless I ask her to.
Yet I can't tell her this
because the message
she will miss.