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Thoughts By Ashley

I am Ashley, and someone hates me. In fact, he could be reading this right now! Howdy, cowboy!

So, anyway, this hater wastes his time and effort trying to make me mad. Isn't that silly? I am sure that most of you guys who have read my poems know what a kind, lovable person I am. "Someone hates Ashley? But she is so nice!" Hehe. That is what I thought too. But low and behold, I get sent this hate page!

Seems kinda fourth gradish, no? I mean, like those little clubs you started in elementary school when Bobby didn't lend you his pencil. You pass a note around that says "Join the "I Hate Bobby" club", and then little Bobby sees the note and gets hurt.

Except I am not hurt. The person that started all this does not have the intelligence to piss me off. The page itself is quite simplistic and with all the spelling errors, it is hard to take the thing seriously! So I have decided, in an effort to educate all you haters, the PROPER way to construct a hate page!

1. Make sure all words are used correctly and properly! If you misspell words, the page loses a lot of it's credibility.

2. Have a really good reason for hating that person. If it is something stupid, then what is the point? If the person really fries you though, start a page!

3. If you decide to quote bands whose lyrics state how you feel, make sure that the band has some credibility! A group like Limp Bizkit is NOT the proper band to use to insult someone!

4. Be creative! List the things you hate about that person so your audience can see what shit they are.

5. Have no respect for the person. That person has it COMING! Forget about the friendship you might have used to have...she's the DEVIL!

I hope that helps all you potential haters out! When you are done with the page, sit back in your chair and admire your own hatred. Then go to Church the next morning, filled with self-satisfaction.

And, hater of me....have a "peaceful" day. May you some day get that anger under control. Until then, keep the page up. It's very, very funny.

Sometimes I wish I had the ability to hate those that hate me, but for whatever reason I just cannot bring myself to. Something always holds me back, mostly a memory of the good times we had, or the way that person looked when they smiled. I don't know, but it can be really annoying.

Don't get me wrong, it's not that a lot of people hate me or anything, but there are the few out there who won't be content til I am miserable, lying on my bed, face-down, sobbing. Luckily for us, that probably will not be happening in the near future. You see, I am a relatively strong person emotionally, albeit slightly insecure, but those who try to have an intellectual battle with me usually lose. Call it overconfidence, but ask the people I've bitched out...burned them pretty good.

I really hate the term "bitched out", while we are on the subject. Why is it when a girl stands up to those who are being rude, it is considered bitchiness? I think that is totally unfair...for guys, it is "standing up for himself" and considered cool, but when girls do it, it's considered "that time of the month". Complete crap, if you ask me.

But anyway, back to the matter at hand: Those who wanna piss me off with what they do, well, keep it up, because I am just laughing behind your respective backs. Though it is quite flattering to know that you would waste all that time trying to get to lil ole me.

Here's the thing: I like school, but not all of the people in it. Und erstandable, right? Absolutely. The main thing that boils my noodle is that some the people who I thought were kind of cool, or nice, or whatever last year have kind of turned into these cocky reflections of whom they used to be. I kind of pity em, because when they get to college, their egos all aflame, they will be in for a sad extinguishing!

High school is all about drama and pettiness...seems to me that every action that someone does gets blown way out of proportion. Oh, people cannot keep secrets either. If you tell one person something in first hour, by fourth period, everyone of your peers knows your secret. Gossip is a powerful tool, and is often used for evil instead of good.

Speaking of powerful tools...back to the people that turned into cocky bastards.

I think the main problem here is the "clique curse". Ever notice how when you start hanging around a person to long, you inadvertantly start picking up personality traits of that person? Well, I have seen it. I am probably even victim to it! It is just a natural thing, but it can get really annoying...especially if it is an obnoxious personality that is being shared! I swear, four bodies using one brain...and one that doesn't even work!

Posers are another aggravating set of people, and boy is it a large set! I'll give you a primo example: There is this really cool senior who is in a few classes with me. This senior has some friends who imitate him to no end. They shop at the same stores, listen to the same music, comb their hair the same way, start talking like this guy, etc, etc. This guy has admitted to me that he knows his "buddies" are pathetic imitations and will trash them RELIGIOUSLY behind their backs (and sometimes to their faces), yet he still remains friends with them. Ok. That is just odd to me, but I think it shows that guys feel imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. It strokes the second most important orifice on a male: their ego.

So for those who are looking at this who might have been nice last year and have turned completely is a wake up call: IT IS NOT CUTE. YOU ARE OLD ENOUGH TO BE MATURE. I know it might be your last few years of being a kid, but come on, people. Grow up. See you all soon!