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Questions To Ponder -a list of questions that will make make you think and laugh.

LaughNet - thousands of jokes, cartoons, song parodies, software pranks, funny photos, crude humor and more.

FunnyMail.Com - Links to humorous web pages, insults, top 10 lists, jokes, jouvenile humor, and other funny stuff.    

Humour links - massive collection of links to humour pages

The Joke Index - Thousands of jokes, sorted by category.

The Darwin Awards - True stories of stupid things people do that got them killed.

This is true - Strange but true

The stupid zone - check out the " lamest personal yellow pages"

Dumb laws - more dumb laws from the US and around the world too

The damndest thing i ever saw 

The stupid page 

Pointless laws of the USA 

Stupid instruction labels .....what can i say? ( but hillarious) - Lots of jokes here

Useless knowledge 

- Trivia - quotes -


- lots of trivia 

- The Totally Trivia Search Engine - Huge collection of links to sites with jokes, cartoons, bizarre humor, funny pictures, comics, parodies, pranks, e-cards, and jokes of the day.

Netsurfer Central Humor Page - Offers over 700 quality links in 18 categories.

"Red Dwarf" the official website - Website for one of the funniest shows ever to come out of the UK

The Reference Table of Fun Links - Links to humor, jokes, games and other assorted fun.