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Welcome to

Kirana Land

This is all about Kirana Wayne, maniac of Aikido and all things samurai.. As a additional site to my two fb swappers websites.. i get so many people want to be my penpals, and of course they know nothing about me so when they hear i am a goth, or from a single parent family, or that i like samurai films or whatever they sometimes get nasty since i dont conform to what they wanted in a pal.. so anyway, this site is a total profile so that no one wastes thier postage writing to someone they may not want to be pals with! fair enough dont you think?

Plus of course, its a useful refernce for my pals and swappers! Please only write to me if you TRULY want to be pals thanks..

These links are all general shit about me and my life and stuff i like. View My Slambook! | Sign My Slambook!


My penpalling rules,for pleasant writing

my likes and dislikes

My Latest Ramblingz

how old i am

i swap and do not swap

Watch this trailer for my favourite film in the entire world (youll need Media Player to watch it, and if you are squeamish then please dont look. This was the most violent films ever made when it was brought out in the late 1970s!!)I am totally addicted to it and will trade for all on any of the Lone Wolf And Cub films about Ogami Itto (thats the hero) or the comics or whatever...

my family

about my favourite films ever - i trade for all on this series

how to contact me

here are some lovely pictures to enjoy or use in fbs

Where i study, tho the website is normally crashed..!

This is the city where i live in term time to go to college!

View a clip of Lord Of The Rings

This is my new website on samurai history!

My fledgling film company!

Take a photgrahic tour of my hometown Brixham and other nearby towns!

cool links to sites about what i love

My past life in Atlantis

pix of me and from my films = under contruction=


This is the city where i live in term time to go to college!

some of my other websites.........

View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook

the samurai creed - interesting but pointless information added here for no major reason

A Song about Bin Laden heh heh

Subscribe to Fb_World, a discussion group and online resource for all fb swappers
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If you're ever unfortunate enough to
be captured by a vegetable or
snack, you must do the honourable
thing. This training site shows
the beginner the official way to say farewell.
And yes i do have a very sick sense of humour (deluxe grin)