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Welcome to my page of Free Internet Service Providers. I have been online for about a year and a half, and have always connect with a Free ISP with no trouble. Most of them do require you to drag their advertisement banners around the screen, but ultimately, it really dosen't bother me. so if you dont mind a banner around your screen, then this is the place for you. I am mostly just listing those in the United States, but i soon will be listing more, so please come back and check in. there are different options to view them, check it out and decide which ones you would like to view.


Link Database:
This is all of them, listed in one page.
(57 listed)

First up and Partners:
These are all the Free Isp's that work with First Up. Same banner, and some friends have told me that they even have the same access numbers.
(37 Listed)
(thanks to dawn, for pointing that out)

Spinway and Partners:
These are just like First up, These Free ISP's work with a company called Spinway.
(8 listed)

No Banner Free ISP's:
This page list all the Free ISP's that have No Banners and no questionaire's.
(3 ISP's listed)

Reginol Free ISP's :
These are independent Free ISP's that are giving away free access in just certain area's.
(7 listed)

Totally free(Independent) :
This page lists Free ISP's that work on their own.
(10 listed)

Almost Free :
This page will list Free ISP's that charge you a set up fee and then they are free. Or they charge you but you a re-inburst for filling out their surveys.
(6 listed)


do you know of a free isp not listed here? please feel free to email us and let us know, I'll give you credit for the listing, either a link back to your site(if you have one) or just a thank you for the info with your name.

email me here

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