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1412 South 15th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19146

in case you didn't know...

Gumshoe is a really small punk rock-ish/skateboarding-ish fanzeen. To be completely honest though it's pretty much about whatever I'm interested in at the time. Punk rock and skateboarding just happen to be recurring themes. Whenever I finish an issue I end up regretting half of what I put in it, but that's half the fun right?

For more information on Gumshoe Fanzeen, please e-mail Rob at, or you can write on pencil and paper to the above mailing address. If you are interested in getting a free issue, e-mail me your home address and I'll send you the newest one in the mail. Don't get pissed if it takes a while for it to get there. It's not like you're paying for it. If you want to be super nice you can mail me two stamps or a dollar, but if not it's no big deal. If you're shy and don't feel like e-mailing or writing me, you can simply leave your address in the guestbook and I'll mail you a copy for free. How's that for convenience?

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