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Why I Fucking Hate Pop-Punk

Allright, now I could write a book about this but since I don't have time I'll just write an article. First of all take the name Pop-Punk, it is as much a contradiction in terms as Christian punk, when the fuck was punk about being pop or mainstream. I see these "punx" around town wearing yuppie clothes, don't get me wrong punk ain't necessarily about style but these kids are paying like 30 or 40 bux for a hoody that they could have got for $5 at a NON-profit thrift store and bought a $2 paint pen to draw the bands logo, it's rediculous I would rather have some fan take the initiative to draw my logo than to just fork over a lot of cash for it. Next I read on the back of some MxPx CD "please buy this, don't record it" WHAT THE HOLY FUCK?! I am in a band to help the scene and have a good time, Punk was never about profit or money, with this attitude it should be called "capitalist-punk"(hey that name doesn't make me want to kill someone nearly as much) oh well, what should you expect a christian band to do but ask for your money. The Dead Kennedy's left the B-side of one of their tapes blank encouraging people to tape music because it hinders big record companies, but of course that was 20 years ago, why would any poppunx know about music back then they don't even know punk was around back then. Has anyone heard about this emo crap, I'm not even going to grace it with a derogatory comment other than an actually emo fan once described it to me as "mellow, like foofighters mixed with punk" -need I say more. Last is the conntent, from all the poppunk I've heard I can tell you 75% of the time they are whining about girls, now back in the day the words punk and hardcore were interchangable, but how is whining about women punk, that's what corporate music is all about. Punk was started as and activist revolution, but the only activism these fucks do is stupid ass shit to give them a good pulic image, like all of the PC freaks who are so conserned with everyone being PC to a fuckin T that they don't see the actual shit piling up around them, I'm talking about Police Brutality, Government control, Corporate Greed...etc..etc the shit that punk was meant to combat in the first place. Anyway I would have liked to say more but anyone offended by this or who would like to continue the debate e-mail me or visit my bands website.

-Jimi -total annihilation