THE DAILY TRAVESTY | Bitching and Griping
THE DAILY TRAVESTY for January 13, 2000
Volume 1, Issue 9
brought to you by B.C.
Tucker is da man
Ye have locked yerselves up in cages of fear; and,
 behold, do ye now complain that ye lack freedom.
               "Epistle to the Paranoids,"
                The Honest Book of Truth
SOME BITCHING AND GRIPING, sent in by Melinda M. (edited)
So you want something to bitch about? ["actually, no, I have enough to bitch about.  I just want to hear you bitch." -B.C.] I've had the week from hell.  Monday dawned happily, with me coming into work and actually doing some work for once.  Then around 12:30, while I'm eating lunch (which is apparently another sin of which my boss doesn't approve...)  [my boss] comes in and tells me to come to her office, where she proceeds to be the ex-military commando hell-bitch that we all know and love.  She takes her heavy machinary and basically rips open every single half-healed emotional wound, leaving me at the end crying and very very mad...  she sits me down, tells me that this is my notice and that she's doing me a favor by firing me.  Says that I "misrepresented my skill level" at the job interview.  Hog-wash, I said that I wasn't a programmer and that I'd never done real site overhauls, but was looking forward to it.  She said that I obviously had no html (yeah, right, people!!) skills, and no photoshop, then proceeded to give me step by step instructions on how to work photoshop (I've written photoshop tutorials for my aunt!! haa-looo!!)...Oi vey.  What a week.  I could rant more about the bitch-boss lady...
Editor: **applause**  I can personally vouch that Melinda has HTML skills, as I'm sure anyone can who has visited her webpage:
***Please send your own bitch-fests to the editor to be printed.  We do not consider it our place to judge said bitch-fests, so please send in whatever makes your blood boil even if it seems "wrong" or "selfish."  We are only here to applaud your naturally aggressive instincts.  Feel free to inject as much primal force as needed-- the more raw energy we feel, the louder we are likely to cheer.  Plus, we think the more honest you are, the better you'll feel. 
Educate Yourself--Learn Geography
an update from Tucker

Weather report:  Wednesday, January 12, 2000.  The sun rose at 7:10 a.m. in Jupiter, Florida.  Mysterious totems on the beach. 
Mental note:  Stay away from beach at night.  Everyone in the Corinthians Condominiums has tiny dogs because the rule is that you have to be able to carry your dog in the elevator.  Traversing the beach, Tucker found a shell in the distinct shape of a penis.  Tucker has the flu.  Tonight he will watch four horror movies, including the final Friday the 13th "Jason Goes to Hell," because watching horror movies is a hell of a lot more fun than having flu fever nightmares.  That's all about Florida.
Meanwhile, B.C. saw President Clinton riding in a limosine today in D.C. (you really can't miss the hair when the windows aren't tinted) and found himself amazed that the President is a real person who occupies three-dimensional space.  That may sound silly but YOU try looking at somebody for the first time who you have previously only seen on T.V.
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