22 May 2000                send us mail
Vol. 1, Issue 89            our website is cool
**ACTUNG!!**  Those of you who have active websites, please send me the URL.  I am planning a rehaul of the homepage and would like to include a list of Travesty participants' sites (note: you are a participant whether you contribute or just read).  I will not link to your page unless you let me know it is still maintained, i.e., I know some of you have sites that you haven't updated in ages.  Tucker Lieberman can ignore this message so long as he gets back to me about 3.

Deal Reached on Nuclear Arsenals [excerpted]

.c The Associated Press

UNITED NATIONS (May 20) - The five nuclear powers on the Security Council [The United States, Russia, Britain, France, and China] agreed Saturday to eliminate their nuclear arsenals, as part of a new disarmament agenda agreed to by 187 countries.

The agreement by the signatories to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty was reached after all-night deliberations and intense pressure on Iraq and the United States to settle a dispute over Baghdad's nuclear compliance.
Even though the agreement gave no timetable, and delegates said it would take many years to achieve a nuclear-free world, it marked the first public statement by the major nuclear powers of their obligation to total disarmament.

"What has always been implicit has now become explicit,'' said Mexico's Antonio de Icaza. "Today's events signify an important landmark on which to build a nuclear weapon-free world.''

The Nuclear Proliferation Treaty, which came into force in 1970, and has only four holdouts - India and Pakistan which conducted rival nuclear tests in 1998, Israel which is believed to have nuclear weapons, and Cuba.

Delegates repeatedly stressed the importance of getting the four holdouts to sign the treaty - and many concede that their ratification is crucial to eventual nuclear disarmament.

The final document reaffirmed "the importance of Israel's accession to the NPT'' and urged India and Pakistan, despite their 1998 nuclear tests, to become parties to the treaty
"as non-nuclear weapon states.''

The nuclear haves and have-nots also agreed on other important steps: a moratorium on nuclear weapons tests pending activation of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, further reductions of tactical nuclear weapons, increased transparency by the nuclear powers on reporting information about their nuclear arsenals and making weapons safer by taking them off
"hair-trigger'' alert.

They also agreed to permanently and irreversibly remove plutonium and uranium from nuclear warheads, and to negotiate within the next five years a treaty banning the production of weapons-grade nuclear material.

AP-NY-05-20-00 1907EDT

Copyright 2000 The Associated Press.

May is National Masturbation Month
i think the problem is people are not comfortable with their sexuality enough, as well as society. if i say i masturbate, it means that i can't "get any."  if i have a significant other, and i masturbate, then it must mean that my partner is not satisfying me.  both of these are untrue. people just have a hard time accepting themselves and their sexuality.  look at society in general... we have ads with attractive people acting passionately towards another extremely attractive person of the opposite sex.  society has so many other aspects of sexuality to accept before we can accept masturbation.  homosexuality, bondage, even oral sex is still considered slightly taboo.  well, thats my two cents.
--20 year-old Mike

90% of the world are idiots.  Everybody knows this, and thinks they are part of the other 10%.