THE DAILY TRAVESTY | Arcadia & Quayle
THE DAILY TRAVESTY for January 12, 2000
Volume 1, Issue 8
brought to you by B.C.
Thanks Tucker
I know so many people who think they can make it alone
They isolate their heads and stay in their safety zone
But what can you tell them?
What can you say that won't make them defensive?
Hang on to your ego!
Hang on but I know that you're going to lose the fight...
They come on like they're peaceful but inside they're so uptight
They trip through the day and waste all their thoughts at night
Now how can I say it?
How can I come on when I know I'm guilty?
Hang on to your ego!
Hang on but I know that you're going to lose the fight...
                -Brian Wilson/Terry Sachen, Hang On To Your Ego
Arcadia by Tucker
In the beginning there was Anna and Eve and Adam and Steve. 
And Keroppi the Frog and Hello Kitty.
They lived in a big garden with things called biodiversity and geological majesty. Parrots and rainbows and slugs and the Black Death and cacao and rubber trees.  The logical thing for them to do was invent evil.
And they are still in the garden.
They chip furiously at the wooden perimeter, they send up billows of smoke, they gnaw at their own feet when they are weary and call it heartsbalm, they bathe in frog's blood, they bomb, gas, pesticide, landfill, and strip.  They try to get out but they can't.  They are still there.  And they're going to have to stop explaining away and start taking responsibility for their own curses.
We are all in Arcadia,
but Arcadia is not paradise.
A Word from Quayle
"It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the impurities in our air and water that are doing it."
-- Vice President Dan Quayle
Amen, brother, amen.
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