THE DAILY TRAVESTY | B.C.- Arrogant Bastard? & Her Magic
THE DAILY TRAVESTY for January 11, 2000
Volume 1, Issue 7
brought to you by B.C. in the dark of a winter evening
(but spring is coming!!  I can feel it!)
There was a young fellow named Tupper
Who took a cute red-head to supper
They sat down to dine
At quarter to nine
And at quarter to ten it was up'er
(Not the supper! And not even Tupper—
It was that son of a bitch named Skinner again!)
And that's the end of the bawdy limericks!! (for now)  We would like to thank the readers for all the great feedback they've sent in, all of it very positive and helpful.  We will continue to publish on a daily basis (weekdays).
Featured link!!!
The original toy shop (in the purest sense of the word), home of rubber chickens, angel snot, punching nuns, giant lizards and monster women.  Anything irrelevant and irreverant can be found here.  Entertaining to browse, a great place to buy fun (but cheap) stuff for anyone (including yourself).  Nice staff too; they send free gifts with every order and seem to have a real sense of humor.  B.C. recommends it as one of those things you should know about but probably don't.
Erin W. makes a good point:
"Will all folks who confess to not wanting your zine be rebuked in the next issue or is that something reserved only for siblings? Or for those who stretch poetical license by comparing a daily dosage of digital information to a commonly ridiculed food product?  BC, you're an arrogant bastard, but I love you.  And I mean 'arrogant bastard' in a good way."
Editor: I felt that my brother was "asking" to be made fun of by canceling his subscription in such a callous (and amusing) way.  This was only my interpretation of the letter, nevertheless I had to oblige him.  I suppose it is true that anything you send in reference to the TRAVESTY runs the risk of being published (unless you specifically ask for it not to be published).  So, in that sense there is a possiblity that we may make fun of you if you cancel your subscription with as much gumption as my brother.  But I would also like to note that I bare no ill-will whatsoever towards him.  I have always maintained: I only want to send the TRAVESTY to those who want to read it.  If you don't want it, stop feeling guilty and let me know for chrissakes.  It's all in the name of fun. 
Cheers 'til tomorrow!
Though I've tried before to tell her all the feelings I have for her in my heart  Every time that I come near her I just lose my nerve as I've done from the start  Do I have to tell the story of a thousand rainy days since we first met  It's a big enough umbrella but it's always me that ends up getting wet  Every little thing she does is magic  Everything she do just turns me on
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