THE DAILY TRAVESTY | Pornography is Good for You
THE DAILY TRAVESTY for March 6, 2000
    Volume 1, Issue 43
Here to gladly put up with your shit!

Holy Mother of God, I shall proclaim this from mountain tops!!
Pornography Is Good For You

  by Gary McIntosh 

Pornography is good for you.  Heresy and blasphemy are good for you.  Sedition is good for you.  Secular humanism is good for you.  And perversion, when channeled properly, is extremely good for you.  But censors are not good for you.  Censors are mother-fuckers.
They are.  What they want to do is eliminate your access to information.  Why do they want to do this?  Censors, such as US Senator Jesse Helms (who has become a one-man Hayes Office for the NEA), are megalomaniacal rat bastards who know information is power and ignorance promotes passive acceptance of multiple oppressions.  Megalomaniacal rat bastards get all hot and sticky at the thought of oppressing anyone or anything.  But try to get them to admit that.  They'll never concede the truth, preferring to maintain their stance of moral purity.
Oscar Wilde was right on target when he wrote, "I never came across anyone in whom the moral sense was dominant who was not heartless, cruel, vindictive, log-stupid and entirely lacking in the smallest sense of humanity.  Moral people, as they are termed, are simply beasts.  I would sooner have fifty unnatural vices than one unnatural virtue."
Morality, such as it is, is a moving target.  Society is fluid.  For people who cannot bear to see the details change -- even if the big picture remains unaltered -- censorship is the easiest of cop-outs.  It is an act of both tremendous cowardice and astonishing chutzpah to declare any set of ideas off limits.  All of us are offended by something, but that's part of the obligation of living in a world full of eclectic and various ideas and people.  Humanity's lack of homogeneity is what makes life interesting despite its travails.  It's the reason we have conversations, it's the reason we have sex, it's everything.  To be frightened by eclecticism and diversity is to be frightened by reality.
Usually that big picture does remain the same, by the way, even if the mitering on the frame changes a bit from time to time.  The emotional and psychological repertoire of humanity is consistent.  From one generation to the next, our bodies and intellectual capacity remain pretty much immutable.  Our biology requires that we eat and sleep and have sex.  Our culture is nothing more than a set of sanctioned behaviors -- most of them arbitrary.  Are you paying attention, Rev. Wildmon?  New ideas are frequently all we have to set us apart from those who preceded us, and ideas go in and out of fashion all the time. That amorphous series of blobular info-bits is what propels us from one discovery, invention, masterpiece, epiphany, poem, painting and industry to the next.  Without such momentum, our species would shrivel and die.
And so the mother-fuckers, craven bullies all of them, in a great Olestra-like flurry of intellectual anal leakage, begin their campaigns of information destruction while those who defend the US Constitution, such as the ACLU and the Electronic Frontier Foundation, are demonized as un-American.  God forbid anyone should have (or defend) an original or an unsanctioned thought.  God forbid anyone should question the status quo, or the church, or the government.  God forbid we should see an uncovered crotch.  God forbid we should communicate with or learn from one another.  God forbid.
The thing with censors is, they're never satisfied.  Just look at Pat Robertson of the Christian Broadcasting Network, who thinks his pale white ass should be in the Oval Office and his apocalyptic trigger finger on the doomsday button.  Censors' hunger for power, dominance and control is insatiable.  They start with the easiest targets: Unpopular ideas are always the first ones excised.  But they're never the last.  As soon as one victory is theirs, censors' demands are doubled.  Exponential increases in power are the real goal, obscured by a pretense of piety.  Censors are generally those people who know their ideas are insufficiently interesting, reasonable, or worthwhile to survive in direct competition against other ideas.  They must act quickly, dishonestly to gain and keep the upper hand despite their poverty of merit, acting against the best interests of their society and their species.  As an example, school textbook censors such as Mel and Norma Gabler of the Texas-based Education Research Analysts or Phyllis Schlafley of the Eagle Forum aren't merely anti-intellectual, they are anti-intelligence.  We have arrived in a future where intelligence is actively discouraged and, whenever possible, crushed.
Censors could reasonably be called the Anti-Meme, a sort of Anti-Christ for memetics.
We are not obliged to like or encourage people, thoughts, or actions that offend us.  However, we are obliged to ask questions and challenge assumptions and learn from one another.  The cliche tells us to know our enemies.  That's fine advice, if for no other reason than because exposing ourselves to ideas which challenge our assumptions might lead to understanding and alliances rather than combat, or it might give us what we need to discredit an opponent's ridiculous, vile notions.  Censorship eliminates both of these possibilities.  All it leaves is ignorance, and ignorance leads perhaps inevitably to oppression.
Censors hate anyone with a brain, a heart, or a backbone.  If you have any one of these things, you have an enemy.  Better that you should know.
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  "The moment dogma enters the brain, all intellectual activity ceases."
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