THE DAILY TRAVESTY for February 28, 2000
    Volume 1, Issue 39
My, aren't we tech-savvy!
Erin would like to say:
"paganism is fucking cool."
Thank you, Erin.
(She intends to say more on the subject later)
Saturday Night Live plans to air a special this Tuesday night at 8 PM Eastern Time comprised of all their very funny gameshow skits, including Celebrity Jeopardy.
It has been brought to my attention that there is a petition going to "STOP DR. LAURA," who-- yes, it's true-- is getting her own TV show from Paramount, set to air this coming fall. An excerpt:
"When 60 Minutes' Andy Rooney belittled Native Americans ... he got suspended.  When golf announcer Ben Wright mocked lesbians... he got fired.  When writer Jimmy Breslin denigrated Asians... he got suspended.  When Cincinnati Reds owner Marge Schott disparaged African-Americans... she got fired.  When football player Reggie White attacked gays... he got dropped by CBS and Campbell's Soup.  But Dr. Laura calls gays "biological mistakes"... and she's getting a TV show from Paramount.  Enough is enough.  Paramount pulled a show in 1998 that offended African-Americans ("The Secret Diary of Desmond Pfeiffer"), but is fine when Dr. Laura equates homosexuality with incest and pedophilia.  Gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered Americans deserve equal respect, not a double standard."
    People are being asked to email Paramount. The address is          

Hi All,

I am working on an article about how good newspaper astrologers
can really hit the nail on the head, and what events correspond
in our lives when they do.

I know many of you follow sun-sign writers like myself, Cainer, Brezsney,
Jenn Blue and others. Would you please report back with any interesting
occurrences that correspond to such columns, including a cut-and-pasted
clip of the entry and the DATE of the entry (so that I can chart it?)

This will be a fun, funny and serious look at the most poo-pooed astrology
there is.


Eric Francis

    They awoke to the sound of pins clattering, and found the bowlers engaged in their game and the waitress busy with making coffee.  It was apparent that their experience had been private.
    They discussed their strange encounter and reconstructed from memory the chimpanzee's diagram.  Over the next five days they searched libraries to find the significance of it, but were disappointed to uncover only references to Taoism, the Korean flag, and Technocracy.  It was not until they traced the Greek writing on the apple that they discovered the ancient Goddess known to the Greeks as ERIS and to the Romans as DISCORDIA.  This was on the fifth night, and when they slept that night each had a vivid dream of a splendid woman whose eyes were as soft as feather and as deep as eternity itself, and whose body was the spectacular dance of atoms and universes.  Pyrotechnics of pure energy formed her flowing hair, and rainbows manifested and dissolved as she spoke in a warm and gentle voice:
    I have come to tell you that you are free.  Many ages ago, my consciousness left man, that he might develop himself.  I return to find this development reaching completion, but hindered by fear and by misunderstanding.
    You have built for yourselves psychic suits of armor, and clad in them, your vision is restricted, your movements are clumsy and painful, your skin is bruised, and your spirit is broiled in the sun.
    I am chaos.  I am the substance from which your artists and scientists build rhythms.  I am the spirit with which your children and clowns laugh in happy anarchy.  I am chaos.  I am alive, and I tell you that you are free.
    During the next months they studied philosophies and theologies, and learned that ERIS or DISCORDIA was primarily feared by the ancients as being disruptive.  Indeed, the very concept of chaos was still considered equivalent to strife and treated as a negative.  "No wonder things are all screwed up," they concluded.  "They have got it all backwards."  They found that the principle of disorder was every much as significant as the principle of order.
    With this in mind, they studied the strange yin-yang.  During a meditation one afternoon, a voice came to them:
    It is called THE SACRED CHAO.  I appoint you Keepers of It.  Therein you will find anything you like.  Speak of me as DISCORD, to show contrast to the pentagon.  Tell constricted mankind that there are no rules, unless they choose to invent rules.  Keep close the words of Syadasti: 'TIS AN ILL WIND THAT BLOWS NO MINDS.  And remember that there is no tyranny in the State of Confusion.  For further information, consult your pineal gland.
    "What is this?" mumbled one to the other.  "A religion based on The Goddess of Confusion?  It is utter madness!"
    And with those words, each looked at the other in absolute awe.  Omar began to giggle.  Mal began to laugh.  Omar began to jump up and down.  Mal was hooting and hollering to beat all hell.  And amid squeals of mirth and with tears on their cheeks, each appointed the other to be high priest of his own madness, and together they declared themselves to be a society of Discordia, for what ever that may turn out to be. 
"Did you know that there is a million bucks hidden
    in the house next door?"
"But there is no house next door."
"No?  Then let's go build one!"

a thoughtful reader contributes this:
Life begins and spirits rise and they become memories that vaporize and the vapor becomes the dreams we devise and while we are dreaming, time flys.  "Of Past Regrets and Future Fears"  Author Unknown