THE DAILY TRAVESTY | The Mystery of Touch
The Daily Travesty
6 July 2000               email
Vol. 1, Issue 113       on the web
No man unless he has died, and learned to be
alone, will ever come into the mystery of touch.
                        D.H. Lawrence, "Initiation Degrees"

RE: "Friends" (a piece submitted by a reader two weeks ago)
searching for the strength
afraid of finding it
knowing the truth is harsh to hear
harder even to tell

the doubts and questions
that consume

the fear of the unbelieveable
so many things seem impossible
what once seemed so strong
is now in shambles

but for love and friendship
one takes a chance
only to find the pain it caused

there is much that happens
life is ever twisting, ever turning
people change and move on
leaving behind those who loved them

can we believe the truth
and who do we believe it from
i say only what i know
what i heard and felt

if honesty is the best policy
why does it hurt

if i had known
the pain the truth would cause
perhaps i would have never said a word

-- Autumn Firedancer

The Cost of love is grief, but have no fear
For those who love can hold some comfort near
Remembering that love is like the soul
And cannot die, but lives forever whole
Beyond the spheres of science or of charm
It shines, untouched by common hurt or harm
And through the fabric of our mortal lives we rend
True love begun, can never know an end.
So those who love must know within their heart
That though two souls are made to part
That parting last no longer than a sigh
In God's great scheme, and... by and by
A gentle waking, free of hurt and pain
And we shall stir, and wake, and rise again
Then, side by side and forever it shall be
In paradise we'll live, for all eternity.
Author unknown