The Daily Travesty
26 June 2000            email
Vol. 1, Issue 108       on the web

Shut up about the damn guns!
Anyone can hunt with a NORMAL bow in Maryland.  To use a CROSSBOW you need to be in an area that will complain if you use a firearm for hunting, and secondly, you need a doctor to say "you have a bad back, and so can not use a normal bow, you need to use a crossbow."  I think you can legally buy a crossbow, but you can not use it to hunt without a lot of mumbo jumbo permits and such.
Criminals will never cease to exist.  No matter where the lines are drawn someone will cross them, someone will live on the other side.  Because by defining a place for ourselves we in turn define a place for others.  Make a theoretical persona, and someone will step in, you can be sure.  There are lots of people looking for a place to exist, a set of lines to defines themselves by. They could take a nightmare's place just as easily as a hero's.  And as society changes, tables will turn, lines will rotate and crime will be redefined, causing new criminals.  Crime will never cease to be.  It as integral to humankind as is charity.

By tugging at the line of guns, we see the people whose lives are defined by it.  There are many that hold the fact that they own a gun because they can, tempting fate or no, close to their hearts of selfhood.  I don't believe that was being threatened. I heard a lot of calls for common sense driven gun laws, not laws driven, carried and defended by machismo incarnate.

Editor's note: I believe many of the "million moms" are calling for an amendment to the constitution declaring all hand guns to be illegal.  The equivalent of this has already been done in Britain, and they have seen higher crime rates as a result.  It is my general opinion that outlawing something (alcohol, drugs, guns...) only serves to create a black-market in which A. there is much more crime; B. a grossly misleading stigma grows up around the contraband; and C. only those with evil intentions end up getting their hands on the goods, while those who would use the product wisely and within their rights are denied the opportunity.  Not only is this unfair, it is ridiculous and counter-productive, speaking logically.