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Martial Arts Secrets (MAS)
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Exercises A
Exercises B

Adrenaline Jitters

Science of Force
Movement Force
Directing Force


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What to Expect


A Brief Introduction  |  Disclaimer

All exercises here are beginning exercises. Sections will be added in the future for intermediate and advanced exercises.

This site has been redesigned with user-friendliness in mind.  If you feel there is something else we could do to make this site easier to navigate and use, please feel free to contact us.

There are very few graphics, if any, on the following pages.  Although graphics will be added in the future to illustrate exercises, movements and techniques mentioned herein, the purpose of this site remains informative.  Every effort has been made to maintain speed of viewing and ease of navigation.

BRIEF INTRO: Martial arts were originally developed as systems of self defense.  All martial arts incorporated various techniques for striking, kicking, throwing, grappling and weapons.  The intense training required to learn these techniques created great physical strain on the practitioner.  

Immediately, the need was recognized to integrate methods of maintaining a person's health through rigorous training and combat situations.  Injuries had to be minimized if not nullified.  A person simply could not fight if they were not healthy.  If injured during a fight, a person needed to know how to maintain their health even better.

Each art developed its own methods for keeping the fighter healthy in various circumstances, according to the demand the art placed on its practitioner.  This site was developed with ALL martial arts in mind.  Improving physically begins with improving internally - mentally and spiritually.  The body is a mere tool that the mind and soul uses in order to accomplish necessary tasks, including self-preservation.  It is my hope that the information presented will be used as a system of constant improvement.

This system is a circle, beginning with Breathing and ending with Meditation, to begin again with Breathing.  If the system is followed as a circle of improvement, always beginning and ending, improvement must be continuous.  You simply will have no choice.  You will learn the limitations of the machine you call your body, and learn to work within those limitations to discover new strengths and develop power in your own way.

Disclaimer: The author and any persons associated with the information presented herein are not responsible for injuries incurred by practice or use of the techniques presented and/or demonstrated.  If you have questions about how to keep from being injured, please use the contact page.  We are more than willing to assist you in your endeavor or improve as a martial artist without injuring yourself or others.

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UPDATED 10/23/00 - Meditation : Exercises : ESP and Mental Awareness

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