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Editors Note: This is our first *special edition*, I wish it was being posted for more pleasant reasons... Many of you may or may not be aware of the losses suffered this past week or noticed the absence of a few of the Chathouse® regulars. For those of you who may not have heard yet let me explain...Early last week a next level regular by the handle of ro$ie was killed in an automobile accident then at the end of the week Shari, a chatter who was known for her kindness throughout nearly all the levels of the Chathouse® was killed. I did not have the pleasure of getting to know either of these wonderful women, this alone is a great regret and loss of what friendship could have been... The loss of these two have made noticable differences in the Chathouse® to those who knew and cared about them. This *Special Edition* is to honor their memory; it is not only fresh in everyones minds but the tears are still fresh in their hearts. If you wanted to say something about either of these chatters and didn't get it to us in time for this special edition, please send it still and it will be posted in the upcomming issue. *S* Michigan Storm™

•Special Edition•

•Chathouse `Zine•

<BGSOUND SRC="showme.mid" LOOP="1">

A note from the REAL editor of this issue
This special edition is a Dedication and MeMoriam, For Shari
For all the friends she made in chathouse and real life 
and as you know i was her best friend ..Im gonna miss her
Shari loved to make people laugh and all that knew her knew
this to be true.
As one person described her she had a way of talking straight and then all of a sudden she would say something that cracked you up. Yup! that was my shari! You would always find us somewhere in a chatroom ..singing...dancing .. laughing and creating choas.She loved people geniuely.. she cared ...she made people laugh... she had a special way of touching all those who chatted with her..and if she called you friend ..she really took that too heart and ment it and she was loved back by many. I could go on and on about all the things that were so special about her but that would take forever and a day .Those who were blessed to know her were very fortunate....those who didnt would have loved her too.Im gonna miss her dearly and im sure you all will too but i guess we have her memory" the crazy canuck known as SHARI."
Thankyou M STORM for making this page possible really means ALOT to me and all that knew her would agree..she deserved this much *hugs M STORM* I love you and will never ever forget all you have done for me in my time of loss. ~FantasyGirl™
I would also like to take a minute and thank VICKI *sharis roomate and best friend* for being here for me ...I know this is just as hard for you as it is me and together we will heal or hey at least try for Shari we both loved her and you knew how close i was to her.. I know it was hard for you to tell me but i thankyou for being here with me ask how i am talk about the good times with of our pain...and to voice our anger of it all....i can see now why shari loved you so and Vicki...she would be proud of you taking me in your heart as im sure she would of me taking you in mine. you are too a very special person and i hope we will forever stay friends ...coz we do share a special bond... and she is called SHARI. thanks again and also tell Greg thankyou for everything...the offers of help...the comforting words and his genuine care of our loss.
Love &*huge hugs*
This world will never be the same without you here.I can't imagine not having you in my life.Who is going to watch out for me and my mistakes? I'm told you will always be there and although it isn't comforting right now,in time I'm sure he is right. I know you are now in a place where you are at peace, with your mom.Life will surely be so much different without you here and in my heart I feel you will always be a part of mine.I also know you are laughing at my feeble attempt to write to you,well a writer I will never be but you know I will talk to you always. I love you girl and will cherish all we have shared and keep you with me always.
Now I have to share something with you...I now know what you meant when you said Lynn was so special to you.She has been so kind to me.We have been sharing so much these past few days.Losing you has been especially hard for her.We are going to miss you more then you can even imagine. You are gone,but will never be forgotten. Remember Shari "Don't ever lose that light in your eyes" *S*
Love Vick
From b®e®™
"Death is nothing at all…I have only slipped away into the next room…I am I and you are you…whatever we were to each other, that we are still. Call me by my old familiar name, speak to me in the easy way you always used. Put no difference into your tone; wear no forced solemnity or sorrow. Laugh the way we always used to laugh at the little jokes we enjoyed together. Play, smile, think of me, pray for me. Let my name be ever the household word that it always was. Let it be spoken without effect, without the ghost of a shadow on it. Life means all that it ever meant. It is the same as it ever was; there is absolutely unbroken continuity. What is death but a negligible accident? Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight? I am waiting for you, for an interval, somewhere very near, just around the corner…All is well"

Quoted from: Henry Scott Holland 1847-1918
A Canon of St Pauls Cathedral, London
~*The Lyrics*~
The lyrics of the song playing in the background

Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely
Boys 2 Men

Show me the meaning of being lonely
So many words for the broken heart
It's hard to see in a crimson love
So hard to breathe
Walk with me, and maybe
Nights of light so soon become
Wild and free I could feel the sun
Your every wish will be done

They tell me...
Show me the meaning of being lonely
Is this the feeling I need to walk with
Tell me why I can't be there where you are
There's something missing in my heart

Life goes on as it never ends
Eyes of stone observe the trends
They never say forever gaze
Guilty roads to an endless love
There's no control
Are you with me now
Your every wish will be done
They tell me

There's nowhere to run
I have no place to go
Surrender my heart' body and soul
How can it be you're asking me
to feel the things you never show

You are missing in my heart
Tell me why I can't be there where you are

*~Poetry Dedication~*

I wrote this poem in loving memoery of Ro$ie and Shari. We all send their families our best and want you to know that they were deeply loved and will be missed terribly. *huge hugs* Josie®

Ro$ie & Shari
I met these two women in a diner called Joe's,
As we became friends we shared times of happiness and woe's.

I learned this week that they both have gone away,
But they're memory and love in our heats will always stay.

No one ever knows what they have til it's here no more,
If only we could see what the future has in store.

Tears roll down my face as I think of times we did share,
I realize I need to tell people more often how much I care.

Thinking of their families completely breaks my heart,
Expressing my sorrow I don't know where to start.
Facing day to day battles is always a lil hard and scary,
But we can take comfort in knowing we have Angels like Ro$ie and Shari.

~*Poetry Dedication*~

Written by FantasyGirl™

Shari you left us
without any word
but every word you have type me
you know what I heard

The love that you sent me
your laughs and your fears
and now I think of you
with my eyes full of tears

you know that I love you
and your gonna be missed
as a tear rolls down my cheek
deleteing your name off my list

we have been threw so much
more than no other
but I have a comfort to know
that your now with your mother

she will protect you
as you will us down here and remember some day
I will be there

so save me a place
cause I'll be there some day
and I want the blue wings
so hide those away

you know that I'll miss you
I already do
but someday ..together
I'll be there with you

I love you shari...gone but never forgotten
In Sharis Memory

The graphic you see here was made by FantasyGirl™ in memory of Shari. Please feel free to take one as a keepsake or to place upon your HP *S*.
In Ro$ies Memory

Although I only had the pleasure of chatting with ro$ie a few times, I now have the honor of making this graphic in her memory. Please feel free to take one as a keepsake or to place upon your HP *S*.

This is something I just learned of Ro$ie this week *S*, may be of interest to some of you...
(taken directly out of a post made by her daughter while talking about her mums passion for horses *S*)
she would go to auctions and or the meat truck buy them train them and give them to kids who wanted a horse but couldnt afford to pay money for a good horse
A Letter From FantasyGirl™

To Shari,
We loved ..we laughed and we cried so many times together its gonna be hard to not have you here with me anymore ya know that. But I know your up there with your mom now and you are are safe...and your hell has ended.
You are the bestest friend anyone could have had and i was proud to say you were mine .I have cried so many tears for you in these past few days and somehow i know you wouldnt want that...thats the way you were...i can hear your voice as i write this telling me no sis dont do that...but as you know me i have a mind of my own.What am i gonna do without you Shari? Where can i turn now?It hurts because i loved you so when you see me from where you are and im crying dont frown on me sis ...i was told im healing that way and i do have numerous memories that i will hold forever in my heart as i will you.
You have been there for me like no other and for that i thankyou...ya know so many days i wonder where i would be if you werent there...but you were and now its my time to let go.Im gonna miss you sis...but i know you are still looking down at me and waving in your silly way *S* And knowing that someday i will be up there with you to create chaos there and i bet your the prettiest angel there in fact i KNOW you are...coz your my sis!so on that note im not saying goodbye shari..only ill see ya later ...coz i will! and always remember I LOVE you SIS! *hugs* til we meet again
Love Always



you left without ever giving me the opportunity to thank you for everything that you did for me :)
you probably didn't even realise what it meant to me because it is the same that you did for everyone :)

at first i thought you were just one of Fan's friends (i probably should say crazy here but i thought Fan was that too so therefore any friend of Fan's has to be crazy) but i soon came to realize that you were more than a friend with her :) you were more like a sister of hers because you were both inseperable

when Fan got my icq then you had to have it as well because noone was allowed to be with Fan alone when you were around :)

hmmmmm maybe i shouldn't have said sister :) maybe bodyguard because you were always looking out for her :) but not only her :) every one of your friends felt good when you were around because you went out of your way to make them feel that way :) even when you weren't feeling good yourself :) which i only found out later on when you finally accepted me and let me see the real you :) and i suppose i shocked you because i didn't run from it :) instead i tried to help you even though you never listened :) the only person you ever listened to was Fan but even then it was only sparingly :)

but that's why we became friends i guess :) the three of us (no mention of 3somes this time i promise ya nut *LOL*) all had one thing in common :) we liked to help other people through hard times but we never liked anyone helping us

the thing i remember the most about you is one day in the distant past Fan and i had an arguement and when you heard of this you were icqing the both of us trying to work out what was going on and what you could do to fix things :) this was before Fan knew that i loved her and in talking to me i let that slip so you straight away got me into a chat before i knew what had hit me and were trying to get Fan into the chat with us without telling her what i had told you :) finally you had that worked out and all Fan and i said to each other was "hi" and then you told us to tell each other what we had just told you :) without you prodding us to do this Fan and i might never have told each other "i love you"and i might never have been as happy as i am you are the one who changed my life that night :) without you it would never have happened and i just wish i could have found some way to repay you :) maybe i will yet
all i know is that since that day you never said i word about what you did (probably because you didn't think it was a big deal like everything else) and so neither did i :) even though i tried to help you out as much as i could to try and make up for what you did for me the happiness i have recieved since that night was your doing and sometimes it seemed like you gave your own happiness to us so that we could be happy

anyway knowing you i'm sure you don't like reading this because you never did like being complimented so for your benefit i'll stop saying how great a person you are :) how wonderfully caring and compassionate a soul you have and those beautiful teeth *LOL* they used to knock me over every time :)

oooops :) did i compliment you ;)

i'm not going to say goodbye because i am going to meet you :) you can be sure of that i'll be going to the place that you are at and if i'm not i'll make sure that before eternity ends i will meet you and give you the biggest HUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG that i can manage for all that you have done for me

PS. guess i have to thank you again for stopping me from getting online so that i could ring Fan and comfort her when she didn't want to be rung by anyone :) so thank you shari :) i love you and will miss your stupidity :) but never forget you

Shari brought happiness to those around her, even when things in her own life were at their worst. She was always here with a kind word, a shoulder to cry on, or a well aimed zinger. She showed me personally not to take anything for granted, and I will never forget her positive spirit in the face of adversity I cannot begin to imagine. As sad as it sounds, my world is less for her leaving it, and yet I know she has gone to a wonderful place. Shari, we will all miss you.
Steven (majick) ~ Sydney,Australia

~ * ~
We never "spoke"
We never "hugged"
I never "saw" your face.

Yet, from way
Down here in OZ
I have a saddened face.

Online we *spoke* and *hugged* and *laughed*
For many an hour or two
And through your words and *LOL*'s
Your Character shone right thru.

You will be missed, my dear little friend
This fact, I am quite sure.
Now Rest, in Peace, in Gods great arms,
For harm can come no more.

"Nothing beautiful in this world is ever really lost. All things beloved live on in our hearts.... forever."
Raymond Bax (ßå×¥ {ð¿ð}) ~ Brisbane, Australia.

For Shari, whose smile always warmed our hearts, whose gentle voice made us laugh and helped us through the best and worst of times...who blessed us with her caring nature and faithful friendship. We will always cherish each and every moment we shared with you, may you find peace and love in god until we meet again.
Although no words can express the depth of sadness we all feel at such a loss, may these words give some comfort to those she left behind. For although we weep at her death, we cannot turn back the hands of time. Let us therefore celebrate her life, as she would have wished. Then, even though she has left us, her memory will always remain.
Winter comes so often in life,
when the cold finds its way to our hearts.
Such is a time when we lose someone dear to us,
someone who has always been the warmth,
the light, the summer in our lives.
Though in these times when the chill of loss seems forever
a sweet ray of sunshine is always there to find.
In her memory we find hope, and comfort
in the echo of her laugh, the warmth of her touch.
Her caring ways and steadfast companionship
are our summer and our strength.
And in the knowledge that she will always
be a part of us in our hearts.
For while life is inconstant
love and memories are forever.
In loving remembrance,
your friend Luc. ~ Sydney,Australia

~ * ~

Shari, You and Fan,Josie and LadyJane, and Les were some of the first people I met in the chathouse....I was sad when you stopped coming in to chat because we always had so much fun. I remember the nites when I would see you & Fan on icq, and I'd ask her what she was doing.. "Shari's helping me with my homepage" Man.. you guys spent eons on that thing...*L* One nite you guys talked me into going into Halloween to chat...that was the LAST time I was ever in there..*LOL* Even though we never really became close, I will miss your fwds... and the on going emails that you, Fan, Romy and I used to keep going. You might be gone, but you will always be in our hearts.
God be with you, Dee

~ * ~

I am deeply saddened by the Loss of Shari. My thoughts go out to her friends and family. She was very much liked in the chathouse and I know she will be very much missed :(
My thoughts are with you. God Bless and Take care
*Hugs* Kimmie
My thoughts go out to Ro$ie's family and friends, as well as Sharis. All I can really think to say is I'm sorry for your loss. ~Pammie~

~ * ~

As I previously mentioned I did not get the pleasure of getting to know either of these fine women. I recieved a few emails from Shari via fan *S*, ppl send alot of *questionaires* don't they? And I was fortunate enough to chat with ro$ie a few times in the Diner. A very pleasant woman, and very nice. My thoughts are with the families and friends who are feeling the loss and suffering the pain. God Bless, Michie

Every once in a while a shining star takes the form of one of us and touches our hearts in a special way. My friend Shari was one of those stars. Although I never her met her in person, I was always amazed by her grace, wit and charm. She had the ability to put people at ease and even make them feel good about themselves and thats a rare gift. She was truly an Angel.
We lost Shari a short time ago. Although I can't understand or make sense of this tradgedy, I choose to think about what she meant to the people that knew her and were better people from the experience. She was a sweet, beautiful soul and I will miss her! She was my friend.

Though the waterfall
Ceased its flowing long ago,
And its sound is stilled,
Yet, in name it ever flows,
And in fame may yet be heard.

Humble God (Nick).

~ * ~


~*Poetry Dedication*~

I grieve for you,
I miss you.
I think of you,
and I cry.
It gets easier everyday,
and then every night.
But when I heard a certain word,
or catch a certain glance,
I know that I will always
have you as a part of me.
The chances are Ill always
carry you in my heart,
in my soul no matter what I do.
The time will come when we meet again,
Ill be able to walk and talk with you then.
So until I see your face,
and get to hold you in my arms,
Ill hold you in my dreams,
Ill kiss the air for you.
I will wish on stars and moons,
your wishes that never came true..
I will live each day not just for me,
but also for you..

~*In rembrance of Ro$ie and Shari may the memories forever live in our hearts*~
~*Poetry Dedication*~


SHARI although i never saw you
I knew that you were there
Every morning after work i'd click my mouse
and like magic everyone appered

Although i never really hear your voice
In my mind I hear your laughter
I see your smile
and I feel your HUGS

we shared lots of laughter
and all had lots of fun
We laughed together
and cried together
we were all there for each other
when one of us needed comfort


Featured Chatter
This was taken from an email interview Shari had filled out *S*.

1. Name:Shari Jenkinson
2. Handle/s: shari™, Bitch,left nut!*S*
3. Star sign: Leo. Birth Date: August 2nd,1976
5. Favourite colour/s: Black,Red,and Yellow 6. Dream Job: I wanna run the chathouse*BS*
7. Favourite non alcoholic drink:Water and lime*YummY*
8. Do you wear pyjamas to bed:T-shirt..psst! Last night I slept with Elmo! hahahahaha
9. Chatrooms you are usually in:Fish Tank or Joe's Diner,whereever the action is *BS*
10. Do you have any tattoos: no.
11. Would you like any tattoos: yes! *S*
12. Where in the world would you love to be right now:California*EG*
13. Do you have an online partner: for what??We playing chess???
14. What is their handle:uummm pretty nosy huh?*LOL*
15. Do you ever write or phone any of your online friends: YEP!! Had a blast too..*S*
16. Are you ticklish: YEP!!! ask Elmo*LMAO*
17. Longest relationship you've ever had: 2 years
18. Favourite cartoon character:I would have to say I have a new outlook on the Flintstones*EG* *looking at Lynn* hahahahaha
19. Favourite book: I have many of those*S*
20. Are you more a night or a day person: Depends on what I am doing..*BAS*
21. When you are online do you have the TV on or the radio for background noise: One or the other
22. Do you sing in the shower: I sing all the time..wanna hear me?? hahaha
23. Have you ever been on the phone to someone while they are having a shower :Huh? They wouldn't answer the phucing phone for me!*LOL*
24. Do you ever talk to yourself: Yes,no one else will! hahahaha

This was sent via email to LGE (LadyGreenEyes™), normally she would not have forwarded it... But she did. I'm placing it here on her behalf and without telling her *S*. HUGS timing is impecable...

People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime...

When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed outwardly or inwardly. They have come to assist you through a difficulty, to provide you with guidance and support, to aid you physically, emotionally, or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend, and they are. They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up or out and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled; their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and it is now time to move on.

When people come into your life for a SEASON, it is because your turn has come to share, grow, or learn. They may bring you experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it. It is real. But, only for a season.

LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons; those things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person/people (anyway); and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life. It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.