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***\/***CAT CRAWL ZINE***\/***



NEWS!!! ::cheezy news music::

6.28.00~ so i havent updated the page in a month so i figured that i should. the make-over is still in the discussion process so the page is still the same. In other news we are in the process of working on issue #3 with interviews by such bands as: Waste Of Time, Alf Needs Weapons, and some other secret suprises!!! plus who knows what might happen at Warped...

7.26.00~ LUCKIE STRIKE interview is now up!!! yay woohoo! The ATM interview should be up soon as well and hopefully the Ray-Guns will send me back the questions i sent them so well see on that. ok thats all.

*** interviews *** quotes ***

*** random thoughts *** staff info ***

*** survey *** contact *** links ***




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