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Happy New Year!

Sorry i haven't gotten around to updating this earlier. Ever since i've been off work (Dec 7th), i've been busy with making Xmas cards (most of you reading this probably got one, and glad you liked them), making artwork for the upcoming GIRL HARBOR CD, cleaning my house and generally loafing off. I just found out last week that i'm to go back to work on 1/7(i was initially due back in March) for a few weeks, so i figured i'd better update while the updating is good.

Not that there's much new to talk about. Funny thing when you don't get up until noon each day, then spend about 2 hours drinking coffee and listening to records in your pajamas: you don't end up having a whole hell of a lot of things to catch people up on. This is all about to change i sense: the new GIRL HARBOR CD is almost done (GIRL HARBOR is pretty new, as well, as i am now playing bass, with COVER ME BADD's Greg Altman taking over the drumming duties), i'm slated to record with MISHKA SHUBALY this month (bass and drums), i'm in the middle of a DENVER ZEST recording, so i'm about to get quite busy again. Just in time, too, as i'm not sure how much more loafing around i can take. Wait, who am i kidding?! I could do this for the rest of my life! I don't want to go back! Noooo!!! ...

Incidentally, here is a picture of the still-pretty-new GIRL HARBOR, at a recent Don Hill's show. How hard do we rock? That's James in mid-air there, in case you couldn't tell ...

Let's see what else have i been up to lately ... well, i took some pictures in the neighborhood ...

... went to a Devils game (where they lost to the scrappy Ottawa Senators, 1-0, before a disgruntled, pre-holiday afternoon crowd of roughly 8,000) ...

(ah, the solemn life of the zamboni driver ...)

... rode the MTA's new V line on its first day of existence ...

... and went to the second-to-last CANDY DARLINGS show.

Put another way, i ain't done crap. And have loved it.

I've also recently acquired a scanner. I used it to scan (part of) this neat-o Dressmaker's Tracing Paper package i found on the sidewalk. Yup, i need a hobby. I also scanned in the flyer Robin made for the last CANDY DARLINGS show/next GIRL HARBOR show, if you'd like to see what you missed.

Inspired by a photo of my room at the Beverly Laurel when i was in LA last April (great hotel, by the way), i decided to paint my bedroom blue. This went quite well, and the only problem is my room is too small for me to take a decent photo of it. So, imagine my room looking like that picture of my hotel room, only with a crummier bed spread. Or you could always come over and look at it. I'll behave, i swear.

The previous color, in case you were wondering, was rose, i shit you not.

A recent conversation i had with an unusal fellow at Mars Bar: i had noticed world-famous bartender Francesca opening a big bottle of wine. "Mars Bar has wine?!" i asked stunned.

"Yeah ..." she said. "Tastes like shit." Quite a salesperson.

"Yep, Sphincter Vineyards!" blurted the guy sitting next to me.

"Ah, a good month for Sphincter Vineyards!" i retorted. "It’s a funny little wine."

"Yes, inviting yet ostentatious" he replied. I was floored. Pretty articulate for a Mars Bar patron.

"Perfect with art opening cheese!" i countered.

"Yes, at the art opening, or with the cheese tray and the fruit tray at the drag race!"

"The drag race! Of course! Ah, the smell of burning oil and the taste of Sphincter Vineyards wine!"

"Yes, perfect with cheese and fruit"

"And the centerpiece swan carved out of ice ..."

And so on.

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