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Moving On With Jesus....Christ's Church, Mandurah
Open-ended, Life-centred Explorations of Matthean Gospels
 MT 28: 1-10...EASTER DAY (A)

NOTES: (1) 'Easter' may come from a real or imagined Anglo-Saxon goddess of Spring. (2) The varying Easter accounts show either great honesty or great duplicity by early Christians! (3) The 'other Mary' of v.1 is revealed in 27:56 as 'mother of James & Joseph', perhaps two otherwise unknown disciples.

PRAYER: To be raised up with Christ in victorious new life.

WARM UP: (for Groups): Do we have a favourite Easter hymn?
Why hasn't Jesus' resurrection brought a resurrected quality to church life, including the role of women in the church? Given the faithfulness of the women disciples before & during Jesus' Passion (compared with the menfolk!), the honour accorded the two Marys here, & the leading roles women played in the early church, why would any Christian want to put the clock & our culture back to an ultra-conservative ancient Middle Eastern view of 'a woman's place'? Shouldn't we insist: 'one resurrected, all resurrected'? 

What roles do we understand angels to play in today's world? With so many keen to latch onto evil spirits, why are we less keen to say (or sing!) 'I believe in angels'? Have we simply become too sophisticated to believe in angels today? If so, are
the angels the losers, or are we?

Are there times when for any reason, we, like the guards, are 'paralysed with fear ' so that we 'look like corpses'
(as a modern translation puts it)? Who tells us not to be frightened? Are they words we do need to hear & act on? It's been suggested that the opposite of love is not really 'hate' but 'fear': does that make any sense to us? What bearing should the fact that Jesus is raised from death have on any fears we have today?
4. How do we bridge the gap between being told Jesus has been raised from death & actually meeting Him, in His Spirit, today? Is that gap the difference between
His being raised having any real effect on us & our believing it in theory but never experiencing Him raised? Or, is that too uncomfortable a question to face?   

5.  Are there times when we feel a mixture of fear (apprehension?) & joy at the same time? Is such a combination likely to be energising or numbing in our case?  

Is the women's meeting Jesus while they're running to tell His other disciples about His resurrection a kind of symbol of the fact that real encounters with Jesus happen while we had something else on our mind, other business to do? (Like 'life is what happens to us while we're planning to do something else'?

For Groups: Closing prayers. Will the Group continue to meet now that this series is over?
For individuals: Is there some follow-up to this series you could undertake?