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The 4th Sunday in Advent, Dec. 23rd, '07, at Christ Church, Mandurah
MT 1: 18-25

Notes: 1. Coming, Ready or Not  is our theme here at Christ Church, Mandurah during the weeks of Advent. (We are now in Year A again, focussing on Matthew's Gospel.) This is the final work-sheet in our series aimed at helping us do some preparation for hearing the Gospel preached each Sunday & be better prepared as we worship together.
              2.These notes are for use in Groups, or personally. It would help to read the Gospel beforehand, & keep it to hand.

Prayer: for Preparedness in every sense.
Warming-Up Exercise: (Say 2 mins, for Groups): Do we have a favourite among the Christmas stories?

Some Questions to help us Enter Into The Story and make it our own:
Given Jesus' disciples were caught up in (and by) his Death & Resurrection, & not at all in / by the birth stories, how 'caught up' do we feel in the birth stories we're about to celebrate? Are we likely to be more watchers & bystanders at Christmas & less participants than we may be in Holy Week, Good Friday, & Easter? What connections do we make between the birth stories & God's Coming in other ways?

2.     Aren't we glad the disruptive events of the first Christmas happened to someone else, somewhere else, & sometime else? Does the increasing Coming of people from the Middle East to Oz, & the issues they bring with them from their former countries & cultures offer us any help in better understanding Christianity as a Middle Eastern religion long before it became a 'Western' one? What ramifications do our religious roots in the M.E. have for faith in Oz today?

3.     What lessons about God's Coming can we learn from the lives & attitudes of both Mary & Joseph to the impossible position God placed them in? In this 21st C. would it be wise to rely on dreams (by themselves) as guides to God's will? Might Joseph's dream (& those of his namesake in Egypt many centuries before) stem from his closeness to God rather than just a sub-conscious mind? If our thinking & praying & dreaming & behaviour & all other aspects of our discipleship were all better centred on God, might our dreams become a more credible channel for God to Come & reveal His will once more?

4.      How far up the list of reasons why we believe in & belong to Jesus is the fact that He 'saves us from our sins'? What does that really mean? If sin is essentially separation from God, don't we need to deal with that (by letting Jesus deal with it!?) before God can bridge that separation & Come to us in any way shape or form?

5.      If in Jesus 'God is with us' (& is therefore always already Come to us / in us / among us) what more do we need?