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Open-ended, Life-centred, Gospel-Focussed Explorations of Australian Prayer Book Psalms. 
    Psalm 26:1-8...PENTECOST PLUS 16 (A) .... (For the Gospel,  please scroll)

INTRODUCTION: 1] The alternative PSS set for after Pentecost are used here. 2] Psalms are poetry for singing; personal, depending not on rhyme, but on developing an idea, contrasting it, etc. 3] PSS date from pre-1000 BC (David) to mid 400s BC. Being of their day, we may find attitudes in some PSS abhorrent.
vv.6-8 are often used by priests & servers as part of their preparation for the sanctuary, but anyone can bookmark it & use as preparation for the Eucharist.

WARMING UP:  How often do we audit our 'conscience'?
TREASURES OLD & NEW: Identify God at work in anything this week?

If we want God to judge in our favour, do we need to do some self-auditing to prepare for that? Would auditing by another trusted person, an anamchara or soul-friend, likely to be more honest & more profitable, spiritually, than the risk of our auditing ourself too 'softly'? Is 'trusting in God & not wavering from that' maybe a good working definition of integrity? Could we apply that to distinguish a person of integrity from someone who doesn't have that quality?
           How risky a business might it be to ask God to 'put me to the test, try my mind & my heart'? What if being 'proved' turns out to be a painful business? Can we learn any lesson from the 'proving' of dough? The 'proving' of Jesus? Do we consciously aim to be as steadfastly loving as God is, or do we settle for some lesser yard-stick? Does the same yard-stick apply to 'walking in God's truth'?

4-5     Can we truthfully say we don't sit - ever - with 'deceivers'? Are there more ways of sitting with a deceiver than just taking that literally? What about consorting with hypocrites? Could there be those who think they're sitting with deceivers when they sit with us; consorting with hypocrites when they 'consort' with us? What might an 'assembly of the wicked' be today? Are we ever part of such an assembly, consciously or unconsciously? What makes us 'godly' or 'ungodly'?

6-8     Are we reminded at all of the scene of Pilate washing his hands to be innocent of Jesus' blood? Did it wash in his case? Does it in ours? What makes such imagery wash or not wash? If we aren't clean in God's sight, can we genuinely 'lift up the voice of thanksgiving,...tell of God's marvellous works'? Does today's world of instant gratification tend to make us think we can just walk right in & get on with genuine worship? How well do we make & keep the connection between loving God's house, loving God, & loving others? How well do we grasp that God's glory dwells not just in a building, but in people?                 

Is there any sense in which these vv. help us reflect on the Gospel (MT16:21-28)?