Maybe It's Haunted!

As time passes I am becoming more and more convinced that my house in haunted. In addition to the disappearance of a pair of scissors, which we still haven't found, and the Palmolive fiasco, we can now add pets acting funny to this list.

Last night around one in the morning, mom walked form the kitchen into the living room to look at the envelops some pictures I got developed came in so she could see how much they were. Digger was laying inside the kitchen, right next to the doorway, and looked up at her when she stepped over him. Not a minute later, there is this low rumbling sound. It stopped before I could turn around and I just dismissed it as thunder. I heard it again not long after and the scraping of nails on the kitchen floor as Digger stood up. I turned back around as he stepped into the living room. Mom had stood up by then and we had started talking to him. He only glanced at me briefly before looking back to mom. The hair along his back was raised halfway up as he growled again, that time ending it with a low bark. This was no playful sound, this was a "What the hell is that and why is it here?" kind of sound. Mom started talking to him again and soon his hair went down, though he lowered himself into a half crouch, creeping over to where she was standing between the coffee table and the couch. He didn't really seem all that interested in her though, just kind of sniffed the air, floor, edge of the couch, then looked up and licked her leg, seemingly at ease then.

This wasn't the first time he acted odd about something like that. The night before I had been kneeling on the same couch, changing a light bulb in the lamp just next to it. I had been talking to Tinker, whom had come into the room and was watching me, so Digger came when he heard me talking. I wasn't paying attention until he got closer to the couch, but when I did see him, he was in the same half crouch, creeping over to the couch. He sniffed the air, floor, couch, table and finally licked my hand and went on his merry way.

He knew it was me, just as he knew it was mom since each of us had been talking during both instances. The strange thing is, Digger normally sleeps in that area, his lower half against the couch and his upper half against a chair that sits somewhat next to it. Yet, for about a week, he hadn't slept there. He is now though. Whatever spooked him must have moved on. What makes it even stranger is, Pumpkin did something similar outside to mom. Mom said she had been standing by the slide and Pumpkin came down off the porch to walk over to her, just like she has done a million times before when she would let the three in the house out. Apparently, she stopped not far from mom, the hair on her back bristled and she growled, then slinked over to her when mom started talking. She told me she said to her "It's only me," then thought "Unless there is someone standing next to me."

Later that night when I was going to bed, it felt like something thumped me right above my forehead. I wasn't asleep I don't think. I had just laid down and was still getting comfortable, you know how you'll move around for several minutes before settling down? Like that. I had just found the right position, was thinking about I don't remember what now, but I think it had something to do with Ryan, and it wasn't very long before something thumped me. My eyes flew open and, just like before when I felt someone blow in my face, there was a small gust of air that blew past and slightly over me. It was very weird.

Submitted by: Vamp