The Weird Lady and A Need For Some Help!*

Hello, my name is Erica. Lately, in Philadelphia, a few of my friends and I have been seeing this strange lady. She has platnium colored hair, a jet black long dress (with sleeves that flare out), and Red, glowing eyes. Where ever we go, she seems to be there, either nodding at me,sitting and staring at us, or standing like Jesus was on the cross (we are all catholics and goto a catholic school so we are very freaked out by this). But somehow only a few of us girls can see it. I will tell you how it started.

A few years ago, my friend Janile* and three of her friends were at an anual group gathering called campfire. It was located inside the catholic school lunch room. My friend Janile* said that she see this lady with deep red eyes, platmuin white hair, and a dark dress peering through the cafiteria door window, with her face and nose squished against the glass. Janile* told her friends, and they too told her about them seeing the same lady. Just a few nights ago, Janile* started to see her again. She told me and my older friends about it, and how we could see her too (by walking along the crack that goes from street corner to street corner perfectly) and so we all did. Now me, Darna*, Chelsea R*, Chelsea D*, Erin*,Asandra* and Janile S.* all see the lady. We are very frightened by it, and continuosly see her. The only thing wrong is, that everytime i see her she nods to me. It scares me because my friend Janile S, Janile, and Chelsea D. all seen my walking with the platnium haired lady down the street, but that night i was never down that street. and Also my friend Chelsea R had a dream that the lady was pulling me by the hair down the same street they thought they seen me walking down with the lady. The just today Chelsea R., Janile S. and Janile saw a crown of thorns on my head. I am really scared by this because i think something bad is going to happen to me. If anyone else has seen the platnium haired old lady dressed in all black, please contact me!

Submitted by: Erica E-Mail

*Names changed for security

This is a seriuos request! If anyone has any info, please contact Erica as soon as possible! Thank you!