Indian Cabin Road

This story was sent as a reply in the haunted journal on an entry about the haunted street near my house.

Well.. about that road you were talking about...I have been on something very simular to it in south Jersey. The road is called indian Cabin Road. And at night you can see like strange figures... for instance i saw a women just like you described in your journal. My friend and i were lost and trying to get to a bar that we were going to meet some friends at. We came across a road that was very dark...we were kind of frightend, but when we came across a point in the road that we saw a figure moving torwads our car, we were terrified. Like little stones of some sort were being thrown at our windshield.. then my car came to a stop. But in a few seconds a police officer drove past our car and asked us what was wrong... we said our car just stopped and and all of a sudden it started to move again. We never made it to the bar that night, we went straight home!! Submitted by: Anonymous