The Electrician and the Weird Happenings

hey man first off i must give you props you sight rules!!!! now lemme tell you this story of what has been happening to me for the last month it started when i was at work im an electrician and we where doing this house on edisto islan about an hour away from where i live it's a nice little house right by the creek and im stuck in the bacement all day with nothing put my tool pouch now it you know anything about electrical work the only thing electricans use ever are wire staples no nails or anything so im under this hose pulling wire all day and every single time i reach into my pockets im pulling out sheetrock screws with we dont even use so at first i figure there jsut in my pouch so my pouch if eventually emptied and i have to go get more staples i fill my pouch get back under the house and every single time i reach in im pull out sheetrock screws so by 5 it's getting really dark and i have completly emptied my pouch of everything several times and still pulling oput these screws so now it's pretty much dar under the house and im shining my flashlight and im finding gum wrappers this was after halloween and i carried TWO peices of gum with me to work the comicly wrapped halloween gum, so now it's completly dark and im using the flashlight to see and everysingle place i go there are gum wrappers so by now im convinced i have made something really mad at me crawling under this house all day (either taht or im going completly insane) so on the way back to the van i see more gum wrappers and i pick up SEVEN wrappers just on the 20 feet back to the van and i havent even been out there today so i get home and figure everything will be fine i was wrong all night long im hearing things sounds like people walking trough the woods(even though there are no woods in my backward where i hear these sounds) sounds like whips cracking into the sides of trees dogs howling, all sorts of insane weirds sounds so now im totally freaked out im evern getting a little shaken talking about this but it has been weeks sence we finished that house and im still hearing sounds everynight one night on my front porch i hear the sounds of children playing this whouldnt be too scarry but i hear these sounds comming from the lake in the front of my house where it whould be inpossible for there to be children, and the last sounds that happened to me happened tonight at about seven it's pitch dark and im walking out to my garrage and i hear kids totally shreiking comming from every direction and im thinking it could be a loud car or something then the screaming dies down and starts back up again the screamers and there where two diffrent voices took a breath adn started screaming again i chose to ignore it and dround it out with my guitar this stuff has been happening to me every night sence we worked on that house the only other person who i have told this about is my girlfriend she is convienced that some eveil spirits are following me around is this even possible? im trying to convence myself im going crazy does anyone have any tips? please e mail me if you have ever hear anything like this before thanks

Submitted by: Joe Got some advise for Joe?