A Non-Believer Joins Us

I've never been a big beilever of the after life. I guess up until last year I never really thought about it much, Only being thirteen I probaly wouldn't. One day two summer's ago my friend's Ryan and Jessica were over. I was just discovering Oujia Boards and You could call me foolish for messing with one when I didn't even know what was gonna happen. Well anyways me and Jessica were fiddleing around with the board asking it some stuipd questions like who we were gonna marry and so on. Pretty soon we decided we should get a little more serious. This was our First big mistake. Ryan joined us. We asked the "sprit" to show it's self. Only later did I learn this was not what you are souppose to do beacause it summons the sprit to our world. But nothing happend. The board just kind of moved around for awhile. But Pretty soon stuff started moving around my basement. Like broom's and my recycle box, which was orignally outside, Was now inside my house. Well, As most people wo

After Ryan left me and Jessica came back to my house for a little while. When we went back downstairs. In the salt on the floor was written my Birthday numbers (3588) and earlier the board had said that this person (I call him Jhonny, But we think his name is Jhonny Anderson) wannted me and my friend Ryan, We didn't know why eaither.

Well, All three of us were freaked out and decided to try and forget the incident beacause we were probaly making to much of it. We still talked about it but we didn't want to get near the Oujia Board. One day I was over at Jessica's and I guess curiosty got the best of us. We really wannted to know what it was talking about. Ryan, Being the very religous person he is, Made us swear to not go near the board beacause he didn't want us getting hurt. We both agreed what Ryan didn't know wouldn't hurt him. So I got my board and just her and I played till he came. We were very quite and I guess he noticed this but didn't say anything till me and Jessica heard some noise in her basement. We decided to tell Ryan that we wannted to know what it was and that we would be right back. Me and Jessica made our way slowly down the stairs. Nothing seemed abnormal. So we made our way to one side of her basement. We heard a tapping on the regist

Over this time, I kept having alot of fainting spells. I recall one time when I was home alone with Ryan when I passed out and he tryed wakeing me up. He said my heart stopped beating and that I wasn't breatheing but to me it just seemed like I was sleeping. This happend many times. Jessica kept hearing things late at night in her home. I kept seeing things I couldn't explain and Ryan would find cold spots all over his house.

One night about one AM, I got online to check my e-mail beacause I couldn't sleep. Jessica was online and we were just chatting about nothing in particular when I got an e-mail from some e-mail address called "Jhonnys Ghost" or somthing of that sorts. Jessica got one two. It said that Jhonny was mine and Jessica's uncle and that Ryan and Steve (another one of my friend's who had nothing to do with this) had been to gangster's of the time and that me and Jessica had dated them or something like that. It was very creepy. After i signed off line I went back to bed. I remebr having a dream that I saw Ryan dressed very werid and he was holding a gun to whom I think was Jhonny. I was standing behind him dressed really werid also and pleadeding with him not to kill Jhonny beacause he was my uncle and I loved him. Then I heard screaming and Jhonny screaming to Ryan he'll be back and Ryan carrying me off while I screamed for Jhonny.

Everytime I checked my e-mail I seemed to be getting more and more of these e-mails and they became like love notes. That he loved me and would come back for me and destory Ryan, Steve and Jessica. It was agervaiting. Escappily since I had a boy friend at the time and he found out by mistake that this thing was sending me love e-mails and he was not made at me but more mad at the situationa and how I got into it. Escappily that I beileved all this too.

This went away for a long time but I kept stressing about it. I never told anyone except Ryan, Steve and Jessica but everyone knew I was stressing about something. They didn't really bother to ask and I wouldn't have told them anyways but it bugged me for a very long time.

This hasn't come back since just recently, When I found out my mom was part wiccan, And so Am I, Which makes me very keen to pick up the signs of those who past on.... I guess you could call me part whitch. But We figured out why this centered around me. I think one day i'll play oujia board again, But then I'll burn the board.

Submitted by: Kacey