The Red Glow Out on the Lake at Clinton Rd.

Well, ok. Since you are from Jersey [meaning Spooky, the editor], you must know the infamous Clinton rd. Well, me and my buddies go up there almost everyday and see and do the same old shit. Throw the quarter off the bridge, see the dead man on the top of the house with his shotgun. There isn't anything that we haven't seen or know about the road......except for 2 nights ago. At the oppisite end of the 10 mile long road there is a lake. We drive past it almost everynight and never anything peculiar is happened there. Then 2 nights ago, my freind spotted a red glow on the lake. We stopped and looked in awe for about 5 minutes until it dissapeared. That was the first thing new we have seen there in years. I have talked to local's in West Milford and they said it was the ghost of the old man that drowned fishing off of the lake. The orange/red glow we saw was the signal flare he had activated before he drowned. I am 100% for real. If you want directions to Clinton rd in West Milford NJ it is quite simple. Take rt. 80 until you get to the exit for rt23 NORTH. Then proceed up rt23 for about 15 miles. Clinton rd is right off the road. There is a a huge sign pointing it out so you can't miss it. Also, be careful of dead mans curve. It is an almost 90 degree turn in the middle of the road. If you drive off it, you'll end up 40 ft below into the Clinton resoivior. If you see anything new or out of the ordinary, please email me with as little or as much as you have. Lastly, if you need directions to any haunted place in New Jersey email me with the location you wish to find. I'll send you directions. ASAP. Thanks alot, your site kicks ass

Submitted by: Erik (Far Beyond)