In the never ending investigation to prove that there is actually life after death, people have provided pictures to proove the existance of such. Here is a group of photos with some unexplained images in them that could be used as proof.

All images will open in a seperate window.

Halloween 2000 [Spooky]:

Orbs 1 Orbs 2 Orbs 3 Orbs 4

In My House 2001 [Spooky]:

Ryan's Orb

Other Submissions:

Misty's Orbs

Psikickesp's Giant Ord Psikickesp's Orb 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The first 5 of Psikickesp's orbs are from the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History in DC

Ming's Orb

Halloween 2000 [Spooky]:

White Mist 1 White Mist 2 Black Cloud

Two Pictures of "Faces" in the Smoke of the WTC Fire on 9/11/01

My Basement 2001[Spooky]:

Heater and Cloud Carrie and Ryan Investigate


These are images that don't really go with stories on the site. These are not ghosts, either.

Eastern State Hospital & School

1 2 3

Above photos submitted by: Spooky Rueben


If you have any photos to submit to this section, please feel free to send them here. Please don't send them to the other address listed on the site, it does not accept images.