Case 5: The Verdict

Verdict: Unsure

The Case:

Case 5: Face in the Smoke

files found at: This is one of ours for a change.

Real or fake?

This is an image that has been on Weird USA now for almost a year, and I know it has made it's rounds around the internet. But we are going to crack the case once and for this the real deal or not?

Below is an image taken on 9/11/01, of the World Trade Center collapse. This image was broadcast on TV, and all over the internet. Suppossedly, it was not doctored. Take a look:

I am sure you have seen that image before, right? Notice the face inside the cloud?

So, what do you think? Was it something paranormal, just a strange smoke formation, or someone being tasteless with the WTC collapse? Let me know below, submit your verdict and give this image it's final vote.

This verdict was unsure because I only got one response. I'm hoping this was only because it was a touchy subject, but if not...

The one vote we got said it was real, if anyone is wondering. :)