Her 4 Haunts
Her Four Haunts

I have four ghosts living in my house...a 10 year old girl and an angel who has been with me ever since I can remember. The girl followed us from the place we used to live in...she's really cool. My angel isn't a typical angel...it's like he's been 'sentenced' to stay with me, something like a guardian of sorts. I would be lost without him (not to mention probably in the hospital or dead..I'll explain that later if you remind me). A dog and a "dark" presence live here as well.

The girl's name is Beverly. She came to us at the place we used to live. She was accidently brought over one night when I was experimenting with a home made ouija board (I couldn't find my wooden one). I had been trying to make contact with a friend of mine that died about 6 years earlier...needless to say, I was surprised to find myself having a conversation with a child. I tried to send her back about two months later, but it got ugly. She did damage to my bedroom walls (I have witnesses *s*) and caused a shelving unit I had to fall...I had been typing something up at the time. If I hadn't of jumped up, it would've landed on my hands...it destroyed my keyboard :o( I went as far as to consult a "battle mage" (don't ask, cause I'm not even sure) and he helped me return her to her 'family'...but, when we moved to this new place, she was here with us within a month. She's been here ever since.

There is also the ghost of a dog here. From time to time I can hear him bark, and occasionally growl. It's when he growls that he gets my undivided attention...cause it's usually a vicious sounding one. He doesn't like it when my rotty comes into the house. I can feel him brush up against me when my dog is in...it's like he's protecting me from him. *shrugs* It's odd. He (the dog) showed up last year around September.

There is another presence here...he's darker (leans more towards evil) than the others. To be honest, he scares the hell out of me. I can be coming down the steps and feel him there...sometimes I get the impression he's going to hurt me. I have actually felt him touch me...except for the dog, the others don't.

Okay, this has gotten much longer than it probably should have (not to mention, there's more I could say *laughs*)....

Submitted by: Akasha