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DevGrrl's Prickly Home Page


Book Reviews, Links, Writings, Music, Life



Well...I've ignored this little page for a while now haven't I!? I have many excuses and please trust me that they are quite intresting and will cause you to excuse everything I've ever done. :) I'm back in classes, this time at UMBC. I got my Associates Degree from AACC. Now I'm taking a feature writing class, an American Cultrue from the Global Perspective class, and Spanish. Don't try emailing me in spanish though...I'm a little ways off from being able to effectively communicate in it. I'm working on it though, I still really want to take a pilgrimage to Spain and walk across the country...still trying to get sponsered to do everyone cross their fingers for me ok? :) Since updating last I've gotten a new pet. Kosta, named after the boxer, is my little leopard gecko. For those of you out there that know and love geckos, she's the high yellow variety and very vividly marked. Helles snuggles up next to her tank to nap, to steal heat from the lamp I'm sure, but it's so funny to see her napping on one side of the glass and Kosta napping on the other. :D I've also pared down my fish tanks to just one, the large one. We're(John and I) working on getting it spic and span clean, then I'm thinking I may get one or two dwarf puffers to go in it, since they're good in fresh and I don't feel like setting up a brackish tank. I miss haveing puffer fish. I also really want a pet hedgehog, but that will probably have to wait for a few years. :D I just love being surrounded by animals...though I'm still just as happy that my family doesn't have the pygmy goats anymore. Waaaaaaay too much work, especially in winter. They all have a loving home with people we knew who also bred them and showed them. Well, I'm bored with writing now so I'm going to stop.



I've been so tired all day today. I kept almost nodding off in class, which is unlike me. I think that last flu that I had really totaled me, and I'm still shaking off the last of it. I had to stop running early the other day, I just went really light headed and weak feeling all of a sudden, and I still had half and hour to go. Today's another 1 hour run day, but I'm going to take a nap first. I can't believe how little energy I have. I've also been a lot easier to piss off lately. I'm not my sweet self, I normally only bite off one person's head a day, and I'm way over that! I think I'll just take my meds, take a nap, and chill the fuck out. On the up side, I have been paying more attention to the site lately! I may even resume my efforts before to long to post pictures here.




Let me know what you think of the site or if you have any suggestions or if you just want to say hi and feel free to email me here...Devgrrrl