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The Road to Success

"The Joust" TO East 5 Man:
The most teams from the same centre ever seen at a Tourney, came from TO East :). Five teams playing under the TO East banner, with even more of our players adding to the talent of some additional teams. Results of this tourney, not yet available.
VDM 7 Man 2001:
TO East is sending two teams to this one. Results not yet available.
Clinton 5 Man:
TO East surprised people by actually having 3 teams out. The "A" team does okay with a 6th place ranking. The "B" team was 9th and the C team (all rookies, with a Missy Marshall) 13th. The lack of any kind of shoulder sensors seems to have thrown us off. We endeavor to do better next time.
Vegas 5 Man 2001:
Conan, ranking average overall, was the only TO East player in attendance.
Westland 2 Man December 2000:
TO East only managed to get spots for 2 teams. Surprising all expectations, our top team made the semi-finals (Conan & Agent ranking 8th), and Meteor was the top ranked player of all the TO East players, scoring 15th out of 54 players. Hawkeye also ranked well with Austin coming in last :).
Montreal 5 Man October 2000:
This was TO East's first time attending a small tourney outside the GTA. We shocked everyone by both the number of teams that came out and the caliber of their players. Over all, four teams, two of them making the finals, and our C team beating over ½ the non-TO East teams (rank 6th) at the tourney. Even the D team managed to beat 2 teams (came 9th out of 11 teams). Base on the predicted ranking for the TO East teams, as posted on the NG by other players, all 4 TO East teams beat expectation by 3 to 6th ranks.
NAC VI Rochester New York June 2000:
This year, a number of the top players from Toronto East defected to Mississauga (READ: Sell-outs :) heh ). This included Conan, Marty Meteor, Warrlock and Deepfreeze. On top of all this, a number of other players had to drop out at the last minute because of real life obligations. This included rising starts, Midnight and Massacre, as well as team captain, Hawkeye. We ended up finishing 10th out of 17 teams, even after sleeping through one of our scheduled games (oops). Toronto East's worst ranking in years.
Summerslam I Missauga August 2000:
Toronto East sent two teams to this tournament. Our A team finished in the top half :). Nobody remembers where the B team finished :(.
NAC V London June 1999:
Placed 5th in Regionals AGAIN. Unfortunately, although each other region was allowed to send 5 teams to NAC, the north region only sent 4. Toronto East just misses NAC again. :(
NAC IV Westland June 1998:
First year of Regionals. 5th place overall but ended up getting disqualified by our weakest player. As a result of our DQ, Missy slipped in and grabbed 5th spot.
NAC III Downer's Grove September 1998:
Another fine showing for a our Toronto East players. We didn't exactly come out on top, but we beat Westland :).
NAC II London September 1997:
Our first official tournament. We were beaten by Oshawa and Mesa, two of the strongest teams there, but managed to redeem ourselves with victories over Calgary and Richmond Hill.
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