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Well. For those of you who know me, im sure you can understand that given my strangness level, it would make sense to me to make a web site when I was bored some night at 1:35 AM with no one to talk to, and nothing to do....blah blah blah...anywayz, yes it would make sense for me to make a random site with absolutly no actual substance. Well here you go kids. This is it. A whole lot of nothing. :) I love you anyway.
So. I live in this little town of marblehead in massachusettes. although everyone seems to hate it here, i guess i have grown a little attached to it. Since there isn't much to do in this little town, i like to spend a lot of time sleeping, hanging around with people i love (yep that means you :p ), snowboarding, fencing, or driving around aimlessly. I take the most joy in driving around aimlessly. It seems to clear my hear. I often take neck runs, as complusive drivers generally do, and sit at the lighthouse for a while. What a fine place to think about life and people and everything. Ah a lighthouse. God love new england.

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Pictures of me. just me. had to be. (use at own risk)
