Bass Effects
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RedTelectronix Jaco-B-Gone

A pedal of the greatest magnitude!! I've seen all the grousing on the various discussion boards about "busy" bass players in blues bands and the grief they can cause. Give 'em a break guys and girls, it's not their fault! It's the dreaded Jaco Syndrome (no disrespect intended!). Simply insert the Jaco-B-Gone in your bass players signal chain and he or she will never know what hit them! No matter how hard they try, all that comes out is a deep, grooving, solid bass line.

(No disrespect intended, we love ya Jaco!)

RedTelectronix Bass-B-Havior

Preserve the mental health of your band and audience with the new and innovative RedTelectronix Bass-B-Havior! This pedal, which is actually a compresser/limiter of sorts, is designed to insure your longevity in that great gig or band.

We all get a little excited at the gigs, even too excited at times. Quite often the result of this enthusiasm is translated into a proportional increase in volume and "out of the box" chops, much to the chagrin of your audience and bandmates.

When volume levels greater than the overall mix of the band, or non-contributing show-off licks are sensed, the Bass-B-Havior instantly and dramatically decreases your signal, encouraging you to lower your volume, get back in the groove, and play "with the band."

Your bandmates and audience will love you for it!!

RedTelectronix Fret-B-Gone

Another first for bass players of the world from RedTelectronix!! No longer will you be restricted to the precise noting of those pesky frets. The amazing Fret-B-Gone provides all those soothing in-between, warbling and slightly off-key notes to any fretted bass! Save those precious coins you were saving for that costly fretless bass. NOTE: Using the Jaco-B-Gone in conjunction with the Fret-B-Gone will negate the effect of the Fret-B-Gone.

A special RedTelectronix thanks goes out to RickC of the TDPRI for inspiration on the Fret-B-Gone. Thanks Rick!

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