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                        The Nano Home Page   

Hey everybody. Nano is just what my little bro benjamin used to call me when he was real little. So I thought, Oh, Heck and made this site. So what do you think, huh? There are some new  games here, Comics like Foxtrot, Doonesbury, and a bigtime fav, Garfield. I'm trying to get some more from the producer. Check for new things every day. I'm starting to upgrade it a little more than usual. I've got a navy page that has some pics and I'm going to put up some more from my mom's navy book. They are pretty cool.

                     Take a look and be sure to hang around! Links are here.Thanks,Daniel  take my poll: Daniel's Poll                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ;)


This page is copyright © 2002 by Daniel Proffer. All rights reserved. All material within this page is the property of Daniel Proffer.