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Welcome fellow Haters of Dr. Phil. You are glady allowed her to express your feeling of harted about Dr. Phil, along as you keep it Clean. I my self hate Dr. Phil. This is a brand new website, Tell me what you think on the guestbook or the feed back, I willl be updating soon, till now you'll have to do. td>
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Why I Dis-like Dr. Phil:

For many reasons I Dis-like Dr. Phil C. McGraw. One reason is because he’s a Big headed Know it all jerk. Another reason is because Doctors, Shrinks, including Dr. Phil think they know you all inside, They think they can read your mind, and make money off it. Actuality no one knows how u think down inside but yourself. Like the old saying goes,: Don’t Judge a book by a cover. Just because you think some is hot doesn’t mean you like him/her.

Who is Dr. Phil?

Dr. Phil is know it all person, you can learn more about him on “Boo’s in the background” @
