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Stephanie's Weblog                                                             Things from MY standards.
I must tell you, I'm still working on the if this isn't exactly perfect..too will be soon. : )

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Thurs. Sept. 30, 2004

__mood   -  

::sigh:: i am sooo depressed at the moment. and yes, for those of you who are wondering, it does have something to do with politics.

So everyone knows that I'm all for Kerry Edwards, right? Right. Well, a couple of my close friends have been arguing with me because of it. They're Bush supporters :blech: So, i've decided to write in here about exactly why I'm goin for Kerry. Besides the whole, "My-brother-goes-to-iraq-if-the-arsehole-wins"...

Firstly, some may argue the point of the whole Christianity thing. Lets start with Gay marriages, shall we?

Okay. Being homosexual is a sin. Indeed, we all know it. BUT! Everyone sins. And, all sin is equal, right? Well therefore, being gay is just about the same as lying. And another point: Why shouldn't they be able to get married? I mean..its not like they're doing any harm unto others! They just wanna make it official. Its not like if they get married, they'll decided to start killing people. I have many homosexual friends, and i totally understand where they're coming from! I don't see what the big deal is.

Then we have abortions: I personally think that abortions are bad, HOWEVER!! I do believe that you should be able to if you really need to. Okay, we'll do it the easy way because i've no idea how to put it otherwise.

Imagine this: You're a 9 year old girl. A very mature 9 year old girl. Yes, you've had you period. (HEY! It happens! My cousin had it when she was 8!) So anyways, you're walkin along and then outta NO where, this guy comes along. And then he starts raping you. Because this guy has no care in the world for people other than himself, he decides not to use protection. Then you get pregnant. So your 9 and your pregnant. Now what? I's against the law to have an abortion. And if you have the baby and keep it, it would ruin your life forever. And i find it very unlikely that any 9 year old, no matter how mature they are, would be able to carry a baby for 9 months. I just don't see it possible. So basically, your only choice is abortion. BUT ITS AGAINST THE LAW!!! ruh roh!

Okies, moooooving right along..

War in Iraq. ::sigh:: I honestly do not see the point in it whatsoever.

Okay, so some wacky crazy Osama Bin Laden starts terrorizing America. It's crazy right? I'd expect to go to war! But no, stupid Bush decides to totally disregard the whole Bin Laden thing and go for Sadam Huiessen! Now, excuse the language but W...T...F..? OMG! we were just attacked by Bin Laden! I think i'll go after Sadam instead though, cuz apparently he has some weapons of mass destruction. Don't mind my asking...But..exactly where are those weapons now, Bush, huh? And how is it fair that we're allowed to have weapons that could blow up the universe, but they aren't?? I think someone is just clearing up what his daddy left, don't you?

Okay, I think i've done enough Bush bashing for one day, i might add more later though..

Oh, I have something exciting to share!! :

I have a new crush! I totally realized that the last one was a jerk..but anyways... I think i might just make a poem!


Sun, Sept. 12, 2004

___mood     -   

Last night didn't exactly go the way I planned.

I shall start from the beginning. cousin..decided that I should come to the North/Menasha game in Menasha. So I gathered up my shortness posse and me and anna decided to make shirts. Well, I wanted to have the same number as Mr. Boy Scout* has on his football jersey. So I put the number. Only it was the wrong number. I just left it and me and anna made up some reasons why it was there. (Turns out theres someone on the freshman team who has that number..) Dominic Monaghan's soccer number. The year Billy Boyd was born. My brother's football number..we decided the last one was the best and that was what we were going to tell people if they asked.

We got there. And we went to the North side of the field. It was sorta boring. I told Anna and Taylor that britney was going to come over to our side and hang out with us. psh... well...she never did..and we decided that during half time we'd go to the concession stand and see if she was there. we ended up going there 6 mins to the end of 2nd quarter. so we waited...and waited..and then i finally saw her. so i walked up to her and poked her with my water bottle. we talked for a bit..then anna had to pee..(surprise surprise) so i waited while the short ones peed. and anna got scared because her potty spat at her. we went back to the north side. and we were about half way there. Guess who was there. No really..I mean guess..yesh..Mr. Boy Scout. I was like 'Ahh shit..' and then I told anna to hold my water bottle. only she kept on walking. So i was like "Stop!!" and she did. I put on my sweatshirt and I was safe.

We got to the bleachers. And I had to get a seat where I could watch Mr. Boy Scout. So I did. I was watching him, and anna realized I was watching someone. I pointed him out and she was like "Oh..okay...I want chocolate.." So we went down..I was hoping anna would look at him..only turns out she didn' I yelled at her..and then we started walking back to the bleachers. she was wrapped up in her chocolate so i whispered to her to look at him..and she did. we sat back down and i watched him some mores.

And then, he (I shall start referring to Mr. Boy Scout as he because Mr. Boy Scout is getting rather annoying to type out.) decided that he was going to get something to drink. The conversation follows:

Stephanie -  Anna? Don't you have to pee? ::shakes water while keeping eye on he::
Anna -  No. Why?
Stephanie - Or chocolate. You need more chocolate ::still keeping eye on he::
Anna - ::finally realizes what's going on:: NO.
Stephanie - Oh come on!! ::tries to get up but fails as Taylor is holding me down::

Then...he came back and stood right in front of us. (YAY!!!) so i had an awesome view of his backside...but of his friends decided he was gonna stand behind him. I was very grr. And then...another guy. And then..another guy! I was GRRR. I could only see his hair and his feet. I asked anna if she'd dump my water on them. only she said no.. : (

About 2 mins left of the game...he decided to leave. I wanted to leave too. Only Anna said it'd be too suspicious. so i tried to watch him when i could see him after he got down the stairs. Only he never came..I was gettin scared cuz i thought someone stoled him from me. but then i remembered there was an open part in the  fence and he probably went thataway.

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Random Quote of the Day:

Ron: "Who're you going with then?"
Fred: "Angelina."
Ron: "What? You've already asked her?"
Fred: "Good point. Oi, Angelina! Want to come to the ball with me?"







      BLOG STUFFS     


         October 2004

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I'll start doin that stuff up there starting October. I thought it kind of stupid to start in the middle of the month. : ) Fix it later