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Our Trinity

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Tezuka Kunimitsu

He was born on October 7th, His favorite colors are blue and green. He is a left handed player, and His brand of choice for all his gear is Mizuno. He is most likely to be heard saying "Run 20 laps around the court!" He became my god after i saw Him on P.o.T. and fell completely under His spell. He is calm and collected, smart and talented. He is an all round perfect god for the Church of the Living P.o.T.

Echizen Ryoma

He was born on December 24th, His favorite color is silver, He plays using both hands, but is stronger with His left. His brands of choice are Fila for clothing and shoes, and Bridgestone for his racket. He is most likely to be heard saying "Mada mada dane." He became the obvious choice for second in command in my religion, for obvious reasons. He is also a spellcaster, and a person can't help but want to know more about Him. His indifference to the things around Him makes him even more alluring.

Fuji Syusuke

He was born on February 29th, His favorite color is beige. He plays using his right hand. His brands of choice are Nike for his shoes, and Prince for his Racket. He collects cacti, and likes girls with pretty fingers. His angel face, with the devil within is what made me choose Fuji as the third of the Trinity. The sweetness of him, coupled with the love of seeing people suffer makes him appealing in my book. Anyone who can smile pleasantly in one scene, and then move on to crush anyone in His way the next, is holy in my book.